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Another thread about KS

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Sorry to beat this dead equine, but I'm nearing the finish line in gathering my stuff to start my build.


I'm really shooting for a fall approval, so I'd like good, honest opinions based on this criteria:


1--Most importantly, I have a big head. 23-3/4 to 24" circumference by my measurement.


2--Again, I want to be approved in the next few months, so I can't wait for the "better" helmets to become available and/or ship.


3--I am proficient in assembly, and not scared off by "needs work to be approved"


4--On that note, I am looking to go Lancer, if not immediately, soon enough. This point I am willing to concede the time constraint.



So, given the above, would a KS KIT be a sound investment (I've read the pre-built horror stories) ?





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It seems like that would be a good invest for you, worst case is if the helmet is somehow a little too big just add padding... so it wouldn't hurt. Not sure about the current wait time for KS armor though, so that'll be up to the fates :(

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I will attempt to help.


1--Most importantly, I have a big head. 23-3/4 to 24" circumference by my measurement.

Yes, KS is a decent option for "larger heads", but not the best. I'd go with an Altmann lid since the quality, customer service, and pull are MUCH better.


You can read about them here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=13442&hl=&fromsearch=1


2--Again, I want to be approved in the next few months, so I can't wait for the "better" helmets to become available and/or ship.

The KS time frame is rather brutal, with lots of delays. See my response to #1 above...


3--I am proficient in assembly, and not scared off by "needs work to be approved".

That's good, because if you go with KS (and even a pre-built kit), you'll be redoing A LOT of stuff. I have been down this road and know first hand. My current setup is KS armor with an Altmann helmet (I've had just about every helmet available). I'd go with SC for armor, personally...


4--On that note, I am looking to go Lancer, if not immediately, soon enough. This point I am willing to concede the time constraint.

Go with SC, the quality and customer service are great and the time frame for delivery is really good.


So, given the above, would a KS KIT be a sound investment (I've read the pre-built horror stories) ?


No, not IMHO. I'd roll with an SC kit for armor and an Altmann or MLCv3 helmet. :)

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Yeah, I'd really like to get my hands on an Altmann lid. Just PM'd Spike, so we'll see if he has any left.

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Yeah and the helmet comes pre-built ready to wear too :) Wasn't aware that the Altman was equal to KS in terms of sizing *adds to knowledge bin*... and this is why we have guys like Jim for a second and more knowledgeable opinion :P


As for the SC for armor... I cannot say enough good things about Jeff and the service over there.

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Yep, can't complain about SC....Ordered last Friday, will be at my door tomorrow. I've gotten at least two emails on top of my paypal notices telling me the status of my order. Top notch customer service right there!


Now, if they'd only rework their helmet molds to fit my noggin'.....

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I lucked out that I have a relatively small head, haha. Note that if you are going for Lancer that some of the strap sizings will be needed to change, since you're building from scratch I'd recommend doing this during the build rather than after (like me). Don't remember which, but check the Lancer CRL for the proper sizings :)

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Done, but thanks! How is the elastic in the kit? Particularly the 35mm (or lack thereof)? Been scoping Ebay for either the elastic or the suspenders like I have read here. Given how many people were looking, I'd assume SC doesn't put it in their kit?

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The elastics are great, I think I ended up picking up the 35mm at a store, somebody can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you're allowed to do the American conversion so 35mm is 1 3/8 inches, so 1.5 inches "should" be okay. Highlighted because I don't want you to say "Nexous said I could!" :P

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