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BSN members:

This site exists as a resource for ALL THINGS Biker Scout. We have compiled TONS of resources, information, images, and knowledge in this site. The Command Staff function and operate as Moderators and "police" the site to keep things safe, friendly, and positive for ALL members.

However from time to time, a member may not wish to be positive or even helpful with other members. As a result, things become negative, and it sheds a bad light on our forum Community.

These negative elements will not be tolerated and will result in forum suspension and/or a ban. While I do not enjoy that process, it's a necessary aspect of running a forum.

Please take a moment to review the BSN forum rules.


if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc...please let us know!

For the Empire...TB-8455

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Guest Forrest Patrol

Sorry about my recent post, l was only empathising with other members who are having a difficult time with the suit or just aren't that good at building stuff in general. Even after years of practice, you still might not be good at something (l mean me). I do like making things but that doesn't mean that I'm any good at it. I mean just look at this, it's supposed to be a Burago 1985 Lamborghini Countach:




For now, I'll just wear the costume to cosplay/sci-fi events that aren't strictly UK Garrison events. :)

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I just gotta say - I had some lousy forum experiences in the past (mostly comic book forums) and I was a little apprehensive when I started researching The Legion and ended up signing up on not one, but FOUR forums to date. Some I like more than others, but my experience has been overwhelmingly positive, especially here at BS.N.


I'm approved now, but I still come back darn near every day to see what my brothers and sisters are up to, to offer whatever help I can to up-and-coming troopers, to share my experiences or cool Scout Stuff...


While this forum is indeed an invaluable wealth of knowledge, it's also a fine community. Props to the Command Staff and Web Team for making it so.


See you tomorrow....

~ John

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If you feel you're a little out of your depth with building stuff, just hit me up either here or on the Garrison boards.


As the UK Garrison Scout Armourer (along with Marcel), we're here to make sure you come up to scratch (well, we don't stop until you get to Lancer, but that's besides the point) and will assist you as much as we can.


Fear not.

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I'll echo what Jim said. This place has been a great place for current scouts, and up and coming scouts. The information is here. If Donovan, who is not even of legal age to join the 501st, can put together a scout with just the information he finds on here, and by asking relevant questions, then everyone should be able to.


We're here to help and guide, but we're not here to hold your hand through the whole process. Be nice to each other. When you come off as an ass (pardon my language) then you're more likely to get banned/suspended, or just not receive the help that you're looking for.


I've talked to a lot of our members, and I've met a lot of you through cons and events like Celebration, and no one ever has anything bad to say about BS.N. If you do have a bad experience, please, PLEASE, come to Marcel, Chef, Jim, Grumpy, Lou, or myself so we can rectify it. If anyone was at the White Armor Panel at C6 and watched the scout part, then you'll know how many times I said BIKERSCOUT.NET. I couldn't stress enough that this is the be all end all place for Biker Scout and Kashyyyk Trooper info.


The Command Staff here are just a small part of what makes this place run. It's you, our members who keep this place thriving, and help ensure that this is the best place in the world for Scout and Kashyyyk info. Just wanted to say thanks to you all.

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Guest Forrest Patrol

(Just to be clear, I wasn't badmouthing the site or anyone on the site, just some of KS's build issues and my own expectations)


I joined about four 501st sites looking for info on helmets (I collect them) and I never planned on joining the 501st, but this site has kept me coming back because of the nice helpful people here and great information thats available. I enjoy this site so much I donate to help it (I've never donated to a forum site before) and am now considering joining the 501st because of this site.... Spending some time on this site before buying ANYTHING will save you a lot of grief and keep your expectations realistic. One thing I wish this site had was a sticky that said something to the effect of "before you start your costume, expect it to cost an average of $X and X amount of time to complete because our standards are very high blah blah blah" I think if newbies read that right off the bat it might save some from the situation that banned fellow fell into

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I also feel that not everyone is warned before hand the money and work that goes into all the costumes in both the 501st and rebel legion. This turns people off alot and i have heard trash talk many times about our expectations on costumes. The demand for screen accuracy is costly and hard work but totally worth it when the kids freak out and hug your legs or the dad walks up and tells you your costume is amazing. Not to mention the response given when they learn you made it yourself!!! I'm sure we have all gotten that 100 times and it never gets old. Building is stressful and some of the build was and excuse my French, a pain in the ass. Sure I put it aside for the night or even a few days. But like said a few times already, research before you buy. I read and asked everything I could before I broke out the credit card. I learned what vendors were best and what armor was best for me. When I hit a snag I asked here and on my garrison forum. Most members love to help. The 501st isn't for everyone. We dont just play action figure at cons, we do lots of good for sick and under privileged kids, animals, vets, and lots more. I see squabbling in garrisons but in detachment not so much. Sadly we work together in text format so we all can misread or read into things said. How many off us upset our wife or girlfriend this way?!? But this site is a home away from home from my garrison site and I agree we all should work to get along. Great people here and i enjoy talking with you all and learning and passing on what i have learned from this site and my own experience. If the legion isn't the Droid you were looking for than like the sandys say, move along move along. But of you do want to make your build the best, suck it up and ask for help. Take your time and put your heart into the build and don't be afraid to ask troopers in your garrison for help on the build. We love armor parties!!!


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Costuming is a wickedly expensive hobby. There is no denying that.


But there are always ways in which to cut the capital costs of it, and to build one that is 'screen accurate' generally doesn't work out that much more expensive than building a standard one.


But what you save in 'money' will cost you in 'time'.




Everyone is capable of making all the soft parts for the Scout, but you just need to be willing to learn new skills and accept that this will take time.

But by doing so, you can potentially save up to 40% of the total build cost, over if you were to buy one 'off the peg' so to speak.


The old line of "Oh, I can't possibly make that myself" is complete rot.

I could be a brain surgeon if I so had the inclination. Admittedly it would take me a lifetime to learn and I would never be exceptional (you certainly wouldn't want me rummaging around in your headgear,) but I have the capability.


The same can be applied to anything.

Research, perseverance and practice.

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