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Thoughts on 3D printed blaster

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Hey guys, so I have a troop this weekend and need a blaster in a hurry. Found this one, and am wondering what everyone thinks?


Also, if anyone has a blaster they are looking to sell, let me know right now, let me know!






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Ha thats Todd i know that fine fellow lol.


The 3d printed ones arent too bad. Youd have to wipe it down with acetone or use something else to remove the print lines/smooth it out (smooth-on makes a product, the name escapes me right now though) to get it looking good though. But they are more durable than resin so thats a plus!

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So I went ahead and grabbed one. Threw it together really quick and here it is! Not too bad, just needs a little finishing. Light as a feather.







-I do know that I put the rear piece backwards, lol. Has been fixed



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That looks awesome! Just some post-work and it'll be a nice (light) trooping blaster :) ... when I was starting out I wanted to make my blaster from one of the Acrylic plastic machines we had.... but that's not cheap stuff unfortunately.

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