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Gathering information on the cost of things -- this just doesn't look correct to me?

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I am enjoying the no cost portion of this journey, which is the exploration of the "lay of the land" so o speak on parts, pieces, and sources for these armor sets. I saw this on ebay - 1. the helmet just looks off to me - perhaps its a product of the image taken? the visor just looks way too wide compared to every other example I've seen. 2. Is a Don Post example ( if verified as genuine ) one that has particular advantages and disadvantages for trooping? 3. Is $250 an appropriate price for this type of helmet ( if found to be genuine )?


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No no no. LoL. First, that looks like a Rubies. (Im on my phone and cant expand it for so e reason) And while it is a licensed helmet, they are made of vinyl and seriously warped. There are a few threads of people that have made a Rubies bucket wearable through painstaking reconstruction. But if you pay more than $25 for one, you got ripped.


Second, stay away from Flea Bay like the plague. There are vetted armor makers found here in the forum that will give you quality for your money. That other auction place will just give you tears.


Good luck and ask questions. There are a ton of knowledgeable and helpful people here.


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Having some disposable funds is a good way to begin! Haha. But before you buy anything, do exactly what you did here and ask people who have been there whether it is a good buy.


There are a handful of very reputable armor makers and wait times can vary depending on factors. There is also the trade forum here in the cantina where you can often find used items.


My suggestion, if you have the money, order a set of SC armor (remember not to spell out any armor maker names) and while you are waiting, work on acquiring your soft parts.


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Unless you want to spend a lot of time on that helmet I would skip it- and definitely skip it for $250. An SC helmet and armor is a great way to start. If you want to wait a long time there are other high quality armor/vendors. There are also some members here who offer very nice pieces

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thank you very much for the advice thus far --- I have seen a few images from July 4 festivities, and I am seeing a modified clone trooper / camo armor set with a modified sc helmet - different shaped visor. Can anyone clarify this? THis image shows the helmet on the right. the other image, which i cannot find at the moment, shows two camo'ed troopers with yellow accented plates. Very curious about these variants.



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I think you might be looking for the ARF Troopers. Don't quote me 100% on that. I'm no expert on clones.


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I think you are correct -- looked up a picture of them and that matches what i saw in the troop image. Thank you !



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