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DC-15x Sniper Rifle (based on Marcel's build)

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Hi Guys!


I've started to build a DC-15x from scratch, but i'm gonna make it all from wood. I've built this based on Marcel's build 100%


But measurements wise i can only do a rough estimate based on what i can see (and the original MG42's length) Somehow i get the feeling that its a little bit too bulky? Or is it just me? For the scope i plan to make it detachable so it can be used for other set as well :)


Would really love to get some critics on this, especially on the measurements. Really hope to get this done ASAP :D



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Looks great, man!

I've got zero experience with guns (real or props). But it looks a bit too big to me.

In the second picture it appears that you can barely reach the trigger. Or maybe it's just the angle of the picture.

The questions I would ask are: How does it feel? Is it comfortable? Can you manipulate it easily?

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Thanks for the comments guys! Personally its a bit too big for me as well, and i think it will be a bit hard using it when I'm wearing my armor. I'll try to shave it down by 10% then :D



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If you have the ability, try comparing it in size to a MG-34/DLT-19, or even to a real-world rifle or airsoft rifle. That might help with the scaling. But it looks beautiful. This build is on my to-do list, so I'm following this with great interest. Good luck! :D

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I just the measurements from Ty in Spec Ops. Will start working on it again next week and will post updates when ive done something more 😀



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys! Just want to share an update after i fixed the measurements! After this i'll start on the painting :)


Critics and comments are welcome! Especially if you see anything that i should fix :Peedaec5b803d617a52ffda95d2bb321b.jpg



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Hi guys! Just want to share an update after i fixed the measurements! After this i'll start on the painting :) Critics and comments are welcome! Especially if you see anything that i should fix :Peedaec5b803d617a52ffda95d2bb321b.jpg Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


What a beautiful work of art!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

You've done a good job, my biggest critique is that you have missed off the second row of holes in the top of the barrel which gives it a really cool cheese grater effect


But it's a nice looking rifle, enjoy it

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