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Scout Trooper spec


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I was reading the Wookieepedia entry for Scout Troopers and tried to put together a spec of the scouts.

However I run into a lot of inconsistencies, mainly related to their equipment.

Please feel free to take a look at what I have so far and post your feedback.

Why am I doing this? No idea. Too much spare time probably.



- Light armor allowing better movement and flexibility than other soldier types.

- Helmet equipped with enhanced macrobinocular viewplates for target acquisition.



- Reconnaissance/patrol.

- Long-range combat.

- Infiltration.

- Sabotage.

- Assassination.

- Survival. Usually stationed far from Imperial resupply.

- Swift and lethal hit-and-run attacks.



- Advance ahead of infantry divisions.

- Provide rear-guard cover with their sniper rifles.

- Self-reliance. Ability to operate alone or in small squads.



- Fierce sense of camaraderie with each other.

- Treating everyone else of equal or lower rank as inferiors.

- Belligerent and insufferable.

- Difficulty integrating with other types of soldiers.

- Officers were forced to segregate them from the rest of their military units, mainly out of fear for the scouts' safety.




- SoroSuub Q-2s5 MOA Holdout Blaster Pistol

- E-11s sniper rifle. Collapsible. Long-range. Equipped with scope and targeting computer.

- E-11 blaster rifle.

- Baradium-core code key thermal detonator. Difference with stormtroopers'?

- Thermal detonators. Additional to the above mentioned?

- Fragmentation grenades. Which type? How many?

- Missile launcher. Model?


- Personal survival kit. Including?

- Portable power unit.

- Food supplies (stormtrooper rations).

- Camouflage tent.

- Heat packs.

- Water purifier.

- Flares.


- Micro-cord. What is this?

- Grappling hook.

- Comlink.

- R-4 recon droid.

- R-1 recon droid?

- Autoturret. Model? Type? References?

- 74-Z speeder bike.

- Specialized gear for local environment. Such as?



- Variant of the standard snowtrooper armor.

- Slightly modified scout trooper helmet with polarized snow goggles.

- Extra joint armor.

- Backpack modified to be plugged to the speeder bike's heating systems.

- Heat-insulated white snow pants instead of the full black body suit.

- No kama.

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- They rarely saw combat (?) and were instructed to call in stormtroopers.


Probably written by someone who doesn't know what scouts actually do when on recce missions. If they're just observing, they're not going to be operating in large numbers (2-4 max) so it's foolish to take on a larger force. If a large, opposing force was spotted, they'd then call in the Stormtroopers to do the dirty work.


As far as the "rarely saw combat" bit, they probably mean in an infantry capacity (that's what TK's are for). We're the original SpecOps of the original trilogy, much like the Republic Commandos.





- Holdout blaster pistol. Model name?


The scout hold out blaster's official name is the SoroSuub Q-2s5 MOA Holdout Blaster Pistol

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Thanks for the input. I edited the first post.


Added the blaster model, and completely removed the line:

- They rarely saw combat (?) and were instructed to call in stormtroopers.

If they are normally assigned to patrol and recon missions, it is understandable that they see combat less often than TKs. But I don't think that "rarely" applies considering the amount of appearances that the same wiki entry mentions.

And as for calling reinforcements, probably what any unit is instructed to do when encountering a large opposing force. So it's kind of stating the obvious.

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- Variant of the standard snowtrooper armor.


- No kama. Regular armor includes a kama?


Just realized it is referring to the standard snowtrooper armor, which does include a kama.

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