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TheIsaac's submission pics.


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My first thoughts:


shorten the vest sleeves.

work on bund placement.

re-position the pouches.

velcro the armor so its lined up outside and less backwards.

.... and that stupid belt that got me discouraged LOL.

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Dude this looks good. I only see what you see too. I'm new but it looks like the bund may be too long. If it were shortened it would allow the bund and belt to be pulled up a little.


You could probably just fold it under at the top To see how it looks.

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I think I need to lower the chest plate and lift the belt/bund. It will leave a wider gap at the shoulder but that's a better look that a huge space in my gut.



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Good start there Bro.


You've covered all the bits that could do with tweaking. So you're well on track.


Being your own worst critic is both a blessing and a curse.

You've just got to learn to not let that get on top of you.



The only other thing I can suggest is to change the bicep elastic to 38mm rather than the 25 of the forearms.

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Today's list of updates:

  • Lowered the chest armor - Trying to keep the same canvas covers I used before so the gap doesnt look as big as it is.
  • Belt strapping - Spaced out the strapping through the boxes so the clips and boxes are more evenly spaced out.
  • TD - flipped the greeblie on the TD so its facing the right way.
  • Bund elastic - Got some new elastic to lengthen the g-string so I can pull the bund up higher. Higher bund/belt and lower chest armor should help eliminate the look of the white space in the gut.
  • Vest sleeves - hemmed the sleeves so they are a pinky-width past the shoulder bells.

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I agree 100%.

The feedback was very useful. Seriously, it's what I love about BSN. You get critical feedback with a solution on how to address it. Those are both things I believe we all need in life and costuming.

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Looking good man, Can't wait to start mine. Hope you don't mind me asking for assistance. Great to have some Scouts out here in AZ to help out. Glad you stuck with it. :)

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You have been busy. That bund looks totally different. Much better.


I noticed that you said you flipped the greeblie on the TD. Actually the whole TD was upside down. Here is what it should look like. That Suit on the blu ray screwed me too.



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Ya man, I flipped the whole thing over and re-riveted the clips. Thanks for the heads up! When I was attaching it, I just google image searched it and that cap came up.



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