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This is my 4th costume build (TK, TI, OM Custom Mando), but this has been the most mentally draining.


It could be because this costume has been a challenge getting the soft goods acquired and dealing with getting them fitted correctly. It could be that I've went out and got three different helmets to find the one that looks / fits right. (I've never had that problem with a TK or a TI helmet. So, that's a new feeling).


I went to take my submission pictures today and promptly took it all off. I don't feel like I look right as a TB with my body shape/size. It sucks.


I've also put a lot of pressure on myself to get this build done as close to Lancer standards as possible so I could be over-thinking everything.


I can assure you that this isn't a sympathy bating post. I just needed to vent.




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I feel your pain brother. At one point I almost threw away my boots to start over because of a few details. Turns out they passed Lancer inspection. Same with my vest. My issue was that I was too critical of my work and probably looked at it too long. My wife told me to walk away from it several times.


Feeling that heat right now too :unsure: ... I think all you can do it submit and get feedback and work off the feedback, everyone is here to help you out and get you on the right path, at least it has felt that way thus far. Hang tight, see where you're at and work out the kinks, one thing at a time.

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I know what you mean. I'm 6'7" and tried to put together two different sets of TK armor I never could get the back piece on either to set right. Both AM and RT mod. So I sold the AM and threw the RT in a box in the closet and put together a shadow scout. I got so depressed over it I didn't want to paint my new scout buckets or even have anything to do with Star Wars. Walk away from it ! I'm bring scout up to lancer specs not a lot at all to do but I have to take baby steps after he TK fail. It's just something that comes with the hobby. My endor Sargent is a pain in butt right now!


The best advice I can give you is to just get it cleared. Lancer status is just that - a little icon on a single message board. Get your build done to the 501st standard and if you feel like bumping it to a higher level, you can always do it later.


If you feel like giving yourself a break from the build, do it. The scout is a deceptive costume in that it's more difficult than some think. Maybe you just need to recharge your batteries. We're not going anywhere and unless you sell your outfit, it's not going anywhere.


If you want some advice, put it all on, take some photos and let us give you some feedback. At least you'll have someone outside your own head's opinion and maybe that'll help. :)

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Being the best isn't easy.... Otherwise everyone would be doing it.



You wouldn't hear about people climbing Everest, if it was the same as walking to the Kwik-E-Mart now would you?


And water is the sweetest tasting thing to a man dying of thirst!




You'll come good. And you'll appreciate it all the more.

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Unlike some other costumes, bikers comes in all sizes. That's why we rule.


Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk



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Like people have said, work on basic clearance. Then do mods over time to get to Lancer. Do it in stages. Armor building is like a therapy for me. I work and tinker for a few hours, and when I start getting frustrated, I put it down and walk away. Your only deadline is yourself.


The way I look at it, no matter who you are there is going to be someone who has done something more accurately or better. When try to emulate, you set yourself up for failure due to being self critical. Just work until youre satisfied with your personal goals and standards with the product.


Most importantly, it all about having fun!!!!

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We got going on our builds around the same time, and I've followed your build as I worked on mine. I think things are looking great, bud!


I've come to the humbling realization that this will forever be a work in progress. Tweaking, adjusting, upgrading...

But I'm cool with that.


I agree with the above comment. My build was very therapeutic. I'd get off 2nd shift, get home around midnight, my wife and boy asleep, and work for a few hours. Quiet, a couple beers... 'twas good for the soul :)


Take a break if you're getting burned, but don't abandon it.







Don't get discouraged! You're probably being too harsh on yourself. I'd step back, do something else for awhile, and come back to this one after. This is a hobby, it's about fun. You got this.


Isaac - I understand, but we won't let you give up! ;)


You are an outstanding costumer and will be an awesome scout. Since you already troop, you know how cool the gig is, and what the Legion is about. More than any other costume (I currently have 5 in the Legion), the scout gets all the attention. It is your, destiny...


So - press on young man! :)


TB was my first costume. I have altered or replaced almost everything from what I originally got. I went through two helmets before making one that passed, and even that was a lousy Rubies that I barely replaced with a KS. I even got cleared with an inaccurate cummerbund, a flight suit with extra zippers and no flack vest (those have since been updated). I was trooping for years before I finally got everything cleared, and even then it still needed work. I thank my GML for being generous.


If you're getting discouraged, just take a break. We've all been there. I'm still tweaking things and need a few upgraded parts. Nobody is rushing you so just take your time.


Keep on trucking. There are going to be discouraging times. For me, it's the soft parts. My first set? Horrible. Now, I'm waiting on my second set which will (hopefully) fit me better and *finally* get me in the ranks of the 501st. I had the same problem... I'm too critical. My brother told me once "You got to love it enough to care but you got to love it enough to let it go too." So, I try not to dwell on the small details all the time now... but man, that waiting game >_<


As an artist I was always taught to walk away from a project if you are getting frustrated. Take a step back, go do other things, and put it out of your mind. Then in a few days come back to it, you will see it with a fresh pair of eyes and most of those little mistakes that only you could see will be gone and forgotten.


I've done more than a few pieces of art that I've nitpicked into convincing myself were horrible. Then once I was away for them long enough to see them with a fresh perspective I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was bugging me in the first place.


Hey man, hang in there!! Just recently getting my TK ID, I always waited with baited breath to see what responses I would get and most often you would respond or give me a like sign. Can't even explain how encouraging that was.


It's all about the journey man. You will do it.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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