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YouCantBeSidious - or maybe you can - Build Thread

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Ummm... Might have to write this down...

1) Black Warlock (first BC I ever owned) - was a Platinum Series

2) Mockingbird (used to be nicotine yellow - wife had repainted to black and white Union Jack)

3) Black Custom Shop Warlock (before my earlier endorsement)

4) Black Custom Shop Warlock (from earlier endorsement - Bernie Rico signed the headstock- RIP :( )

5) Black Draco

6) White Draco

7) Black with green RIVETHEAD logo B.C. Rich Bich (friend had custom refurbished)

8) Black translucent Mockingbird

9) New bulletproof black Warlock Core - from current endorsement

- I also have a Thunderbird bass, two acoustics, and one travel guitar

I think that's it?!?

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Absolutely brother! I'd say we have both done well, if we are still married and have that many axes.

I just moved from Mesa Boogie amps to Randall. Absolutely love the high gain and crunch I get!


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Absolutely brother! I'd say we have both done well, if we are still married and have that many axes.

I just moved from Mesa Boogie amps to Randall. Absolutely love the high gain and crunch I get!



Nice endorsement my friend, congrats! I remember when Darrell (Dime) got his Randall deal "back in the day".


I'm an old-timer. :)



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Awesome, guitars are so addictive. And you have a good wife, like me. ;)


My wife has ordered me not to buy any more guitars until we have moved to a bigger house, she's sick of tripping over them. The Gibson Firebird I lust after will sadly be just a dream for a while longer!

BTW good choice on Thunderbird for bass - I love mine!

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I love the look of BCs but I could never comfortably play the "spiky guitars of doom" as I call them :)


My arsenal has slimmed down over the years but I still have a Dean Evo, '74 Tele Deluxe, Washburn MG-52, and a late 70s Yamaha SG-200.


What's with Scouts and guitars? A lot of us play!

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the delay in postings. Life has been a bit busy lately. Our little boy is due in one month and 19 days. Preparation (getting the house ready) has been a lengthy process... Plus, all of this:


My Hummer died, and I needed a replacement vehicle. Had to get something capable of towing my band's trailer, and so I got his:


No 501st vehicle is complete without some proper stickers:


My new B.C.Rich Mockingbird arrived.


We attended a NTX armor party. So, TFA, TK, and TB armor was being worked on:


Dunlop sent my next batch of guitar picks and a Micro Flanger pedal (hidden here by picks):


My living room looks like this right now, as I work on the belt, boot holster, chest straps...


Attended a 4th of July at Peter and Angie Mayhew's house.

My wife's hand vs Peter's:


The Chewie room:


The original Episode IV script:


The belt, almost complete - before measuring the length of the drop box straps:


Trying on the belt with regular clothes. Later, I put on the flight suit and cumberbund to check the fit:


Back of the belt with try-on. Trimming needed on back straps. TD was sitting high. Clips weren't sitting level:


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Ideally, you want the belt level to the bund. I use Velcro on my vest to help hold the bund up front/back. It helps to prevent sagging and stuff. These are little adjustments.

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