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YouCantBeSidious - or maybe you can - Build Thread

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Bits List:

Helmet: MLCv3 - received

Decals: TrooperBay- received

Boots, cumberbund, pouches: Marcel- received

Armor: SC - ordered 13th of April, 2015

Flight Suit: RedKap - Commissioned to Chunk - received

Vest: Chunk- received

Gloves: Wampa Wear- received

Scout Blaster: DVH- received

Snout Detail: DVH- received

Lens: DVH- received

TD Clips: Chef - received and painted black :)


I have a baby on the way, so I am also building furniture, painting his room, rehearsing with my band and playing live, working a full-time job, and trooping as a wookiee and TK, so this may take a little while. My apologies in advance. :)


Photos of bits so far:













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Thanks Chex! I had some of it already from my TK build (elastic). Some of the other stuff I went a head and purchased just to make sure it was the right size and sort. - My TK kit was AM, so I am used to abandoning all the straps that come with a kit, minus a few. Maybe I over-prepared? :)


Really looking forward to getting the rest done.

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Armor arrived yesterday, so that was happy brown box day. I was too tired to do much more than open and check it out. I just got back from a video shoot in Big Bend, TX, which required about 3 hours of sleep over 2 days.


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Some photos of a little bit of progress...

Curving the shoulder bells



Tank topper - stickers added - rivet placed in center - will fill other hole and paint later


Tank stripes added


Marked inside for Pandatrooper style bent ABS for rivet


Always have the CRLs and photos open for reference


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A little bit more progress.

I am using E6000 to glue in the straps. Clamping them while they dry. If they don't fit perfect on my flight suit, I can heat up the glue, remove the straps, and reposition them. That even applies to the knee straps (not pictured here, yet). I am gluing them to test fit, before popping the rivet in the top bit, although I have already measured, marked, and drilled out the hole for the rivets.


Here's the shoulder white cotton webbing.



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Oh, the distractions... I am working on my kit after band rehearsals and after cleaning the house (cousin is coming in from England) and painting our new baby room (due August)...

First Order!


New jacket!



Testing the elastic on the armor over the flight suit. Biceps were a bit too loose. Otherwise, everything fit well. Don't mind the twisted flight suit. I put it all on quick, so it bunched up and twisted. Will be much better in approval photos.


Knee elastic was perfect, so I popped in the rivets and then painted them white.


I needed to shorten the bicep elastic, so it's reattached and gluing here.


Hey, look: It's another bucket comparison: MLC v3 on left (I still need to fix my lines - will do soon). CB on right:


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Everything is coming along nicely Steve. You're going to be an easy approval! :duim:


I must have missed the announcement on your bundle of joy, congrats my friend! :)

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