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Tb-6413 Lancer Request (WITHDRAWN)

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PredatorMV TB-6413 requesting lancer status.


Armor and Helmet are SC, helmet has real 3m bolts and replaced decals, chin cup came from someone on the boards (sorry don't remember who)

Gloves are Sitharmor

Blaster is from a board member here but I don't remember who

All soft parts were made by my wife and I.














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  • 1 month later...

There are a few issues that jump out to me, the boots are far too short. There is also too much stitching on the rear velcro closure.


The velcro on the bund must not have the X stitch showing.


Pouches want padding up a little.


I would also like to see the TD greeblie flipped over to match the other lancers



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  • 6 months later...

Sorry for he long delay, but I finally got around to updating my boots to the standards set forth. They are about an inch taller and no longer have the excess stitching on the back. I also old greeblie on the TD and flipped it and replaced it. Pics follow.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for delay, the boots usually go up to just under the knee plate. Say a gap of around 20mm ish between boot and knee plate. The stitch around the top of the boot is a little low to be honest, if you look at the movie boots, the stitch is very close to the top of the boot

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All the reference can be found on movie stills bud, we don't know for sure about how close the boots are to the knee, as no doubt they were all different, but it is clear yours were very low.

20mm gap ish is what I use personally on my builds

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The other issue you will find with your low boot height, there isn't much space to fit the holster in, you will find when you kneel down, the bottom front corner of the holster plate will rip into your boot bud, the top boot seam is low also, the film ones were very close to the top

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