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before I cut.... what do you think????

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Your boots are looking great Jim! I'm following along right behind you. I'm smiling at all the toys on the table since that's what surrounds my boots too! I think today it's pipe cleaners :D Can't wait to see the total package and I hope you your armor build is going well too!



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Jim, regarding the four speed laces did you just use something like pliers to remove them or some other covert method? Thanks!

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Great! Thanks for getting back so quickly I really appreciate it. Now off to remove some rivets!

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Working on the belt today and it is going good so far....


Cut out the front where the belt passes through



Fed the belt through and it sits quite nice



On the backside of the belt i did something different....i gave the belt a little twist and added some E6000 then clamped it to cure








Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk



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todays progress report


belt cured nicely



made cuts on drop boxes



glued tank top on last night before bed



got the red stripe and white circle on as the button dries



started the thermal detonator


made the holes for the zip tie



added zip tie



attached the tube ends and the belt clips that come in the kit



waiting on the don jar greebles to arrive and I will finish the TD


then on to the boot holster


rounded corners to prevent tearing the boot




then drilled the holes for the rivets



got my finger too.....see retrofire everyone bleeds for the empire



boot holster attached



inside pic



boots are done

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todays progress report


got my finger too.....see retrofire everyone bleeds for the empire



Yes, they are merely flesh wounds and we both could still beat up a teddy bear with our other hands while dodging trees on our bikes! The price for being a Pathfinder!


Uhh you might want to put some Neosporin on that......

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Little more done before going to work


Tank installed to back



Rivet in bottom and tank is secured



Got the t-bits glued on and curing overnight will clean up the squished out glue tomorrow



I was thinking to help me make the chest wider adding the V in the lower front of the armor


Not sure i want to do this or not


Added the grey to the chest plate




Thats all for today

Just waiting for the abs sheet i ordered to arrive so i can reinforce the knees and other areas where the elastic is going to go

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It's looking great Jim! You'll be showing your pre-approval pics before you know it!

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Yes the rivet is off center. Its in the hole that was in the topper and i didn't want to fill and paint the topper.


On another note i think i am too big to make this suit work or look somewhat decent


Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk



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Little more today


Added stripes to back of tank



Added rank stripes also



I added industrial strength hook to front and back armor



And the white elastic for the sides



Started to assemble the plastic belt too


I scored a hex pattern in the areas to be glued together



And its curing overnight


Put the chest armor on and well it is tight as hell but here is a pic for now.



I know too close and cant see anything but i am the only one home right now maybe some better pics later.


I need more elastic for the sides cus its way too tight and i need more for the back of the belt so i ordered more now the wait but the knees and forearm and bicep armor needs done so more to come..... And then onto the sewing.....yayy....not


Hopefully this week sometime i can get a quick suit up and see what i got so far

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Guest Forrest Patrol


I need more elastic for the sides cus its way too tight


Maybe make the shoulder connection wider.

I'm not making fun of you, but if you lose a bit of weight, maybe reduce your outer layer of fat by one inch, it will make a big difference. Your neck has absolutely no space in that pic. I hate tight t-shirts and they're only soft cotton.


Many of the Original Trilogy troopers complained about the plastic cutting into them

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Guest Forrest Patrol


On another note i think i am too big to make this suit work or look somewhat decent


Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk


Obviously size makes a difference in fit and overall look, but theisaac looks like a heavyweight so why not ask him for solutions.

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