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DP/Rubies fix-up

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So as some of you seen i had purchased this helmet from Wilson here on the board. I forgot to take myn own before pics, but here is what he posted, and its exactly what i got..the illustrious pancake helmet, as i affectionately call it lol


So here's how i got it:



With id say about 2 hrs of me fiddling with it with a heatgun and some gaffers tape, i got it pretty far. Today i took it in the shop for about 20 minutes and did a little fine tuning.


Its not complete yet, but its coming along very nicely already. Its about 8 million times better at this point lol. Need to pull in the back of the faceplate a little bit still and fix the crooked visor lol











Thats all im doing for right now because i should be working on orders/commissions not this right now, but i couldnt resist getting right to it when it arrived lol.

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It's a bloody miracle

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Thanks guys :)


Ye Chef, im pretty much leaving it as is, i just need to put the wire in it to help it keep its shape, and glue everything properly, theres only hot glue holding it togther...and i gotta take the screws out of the visor/faceplate. Shapewise though its pretty much staying the same. The left visor is sticking out compared to the body, just wanna fix that and then i think it'll be done....THEN i'll get rid of the nasty fishhook and graphics lol

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