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Questions from the new guy :)


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I have a few questions. These things were specified for my TK, so I thought maybe I could ask these here for the scout.


Are there specs per armor regarding the following?:


1) Sizes of rivets on the knees

2) Sizes of the rivets used for the tank top and bottom

3) Spacing of decals on helmet - length of area above, below, to side before decal?

4) Spacing of tank topper from back. It appears that some are closer than others.

5) Are the drop box clips (black safety clips) that come with the kits approvable as is for Lancer?

6) How far apart should the rear straps be for the drop boxes where they attach to the belt?


I think I have all in order as far as ordering straps (posting to for clarification, in case I am wrong).



White webbing - 45mm or 1 3/4" - for chest/back sider under arm


White cotton webbing - 25mm or 1" shoulder strap size

40mm or 1 1/2" - for belt straps

50mm or 2" for main belt (in rear)


black elastic sizes - 35mm or 1 3/8" for biceps, shoulder/Back to shoulder bells

25mm or 1" for forearms and bottom of knee

12mm or 1/2" for top knee

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Hey new guy!


1 and 2) We use 1/8 inch rivets on all the scout parts.

3) You're gonna have to eyeball that. Get your copy of Return of the Jedi out!

4) That depends on the way your tank is built. I had to push mine back a little bit more so I could get one rivet through the topper and the back of the armor. But other folks are able to let it sit a little more forward. Again, use the movie as a guide

5) Yup

6) Again, screenshots are your friend. I have mine connected on the outer edges of the velcro




Hope this helps.

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