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jcarlson101's Pre-Clearance

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Alright everyone, I finally recieved my soft parts and put the finishing touches on my armor! Let me know if I need to make any changes.








And just for fun here is me with my motorcycle helmet on. And yes I went straight out for a little spin after taking the pic. :) It was a chore putting everything on myself so I didn't want to take off everything yet.



Edit: oops possted the wrong pic for motorcycle helmet.


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Nice scout. That cod piece... it's a bit interesting. What's the deal with the bottom little chevron? Where did you get your soft gear?

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The cod threw me off a little. Like's it's riding up a little in thr front. Nothing there that would hold up approval though. Get those pics submitted!

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Great Job buddy, just a small bit of advice though. Move the pouches out from the lines in the bun a little and see if you can get your chest armor in closer unless your standing kinda funny then its perfect! Nice job!






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Thanks bud, I'll have to fiddle with the pouches and velcro placement and see if I can square them up better.


As for the chest armor gap, that's as close as I can get without sacrificing freedom of movement. It's tight enough as it is. You can see the gap better in my action shot. It could be just that side too, that's the side I use to don and doff my chest armor and putting the velcro in place is a pain...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was able to get approved last week and just finished my first troop today! What a great way to end a month. Thanks to all for your critique and especially to Pandatrooper for his excellent SC build tutorial. It made things super easy. I won't be able to make it to C7 but will hopefully make it out to the next one and meet more of my fellow Pathfinder brothers.

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