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Another DC-15x Scratchbuild!


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Ever since I started my research for my Scout build I have liked the fan art of the scout sniper.




Then when I saw Marcel's DC-15x Sniper Rifle WIP on the UKG forum and here on BSN I decided I wanted one of my own and that I would attempt to scratch build one after I completed my Scout. Scout build is now complete so here I go! :)


I intend on using Marcel's WIP (hope you don't mind mate!?) plus the Battlefront images as my reference.dlt_19_zpsgqfuemic.jpeg




I had some hard wood laying around in the garage from a recent DIY project so I have started working on an MG-42 style stock.








And after a bit of sanding :)







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Although I don't need it yet I've tried to find a suitable bipod. I've not been able to find an MG-42 bipod but following a search on a popular auction site I have come up with something that I think is a suitable alternative. What are your thoughts?



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Although I don't need it yet I've tried to find a suitable bipod. I've not been able to find an MG-42 bipod but following a search on a popular auction site I have come up with something that I think is a suitable alternative. What are your thoughts?



Personally i think it's look a bit too modern...

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Alex. Thanks for the input :) Out of interest did you build your bipod from scratch? If not, where did you purchase it from?

Yes i did,its not too hard to do but requires some time to fit well the parts together

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Would you be able to provide some close up photos of the components? What did you make it out of?

I use mainly forex for the legs with a metal coat hanger inside to strenght em,now with just two layers is very sturdy.I dont recommend doing em in wood.For the other components i used wood and forex again.Some screws here and there and some bolts and auto-blocking nuts for the articolations.

I used this for reference obviously scaled.


And as you saw on my thread,this is how it goes together



If you need something more,just ask :D

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Quicker fix for the legs is shelf supports from a hardware store. They're a little long, but plenty strong enough and practically the right shape.



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Quicker fix for the legs is shelf supports from a hardware store. They're a little long, but plenty strong enough and practically the right shape.


Hmmm! Thats an idea :) I imagine I can get something similar here in the UK!? I have a look around.

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  • 1 month later...

Haven't managed to get much done on this recently due to family commitments and other projects but I have managed to source an MG42 bipod :)




Hoping to make some good progress on the barrel in the coming weeks so watch this space :)

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I cut the spikes off the bottom of my MG bipod legs, as no spikes can be Sen on the reference. Plus you will scratch the hell out of what ever you put it on. Are you at Legoland this weekend Mark? Il be there as sniper scout Saturday and Sunday if you want to check mine out or take photos

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  • 2 weeks later...

After discussing the barrel with Marcel I have built up the inside of the square edges using brazing rods in order to allow me to round them off a bit more. Fingers crossed it works :unsure:

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I've been studying the screen grabs of the rifle again and an wondering whether the detailing on the barrel behind the rear sight is just that detailing (.i.e. similar to the slots on the muzzle) or whether they are cut outs? It's difficult to tell! Has anyone got any ideas?


Here's a image of the area in question:



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Looks like a lot of work! I'm about to start one of my own. Well, after all my armor is 100%.


But when I do mine, I think I'm going to add the rounded pipe part on both the top and bottom. From the higher resolution screen grab below (clone holding it, I know, but it's the same model as the scout), it looks like there's a rounded bottom, as well as a round tip to the barrel. Adding the pipe to the top and bottom should make rounding off the square tube I have easier.



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  • 1 month later...

Well I haven't had a lot of time to work on this recently fir various reasons but will try and get some more done over the weekend :)

One question I have relates to the DC-15x and the CRL. We know that scout's in the original Battlefront game carried the DC-15x Marcel's masterpiece is testiment to that, there is evidence of sniper scouts in the new Battlefront game and with the number of scouts now building them increasing is it time to have it as an optional weapon on the CRL?

That maybe a cat placed firmly amongst the pigeons and the discussion may not be for this thread but I'm interested to know?

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It's been brought up many times. In cannon material the holdout blaster is the only one seen. You're welcome to carry it at troops that don't specifically ask for cannon characters, but it's doubtful it will ever be added to CRL.

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