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Riding Patches


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Well, I've got my flight suit nearly done except for the suede patches and flap.

I'm ordering my SC armor Friday, but in the meantime I'd like to wrap the suit up.


Any thoughts as to going at the riding patches while I wait for the armor? My concern is mainly getting the length right without the knee armor there. The CRL states "Suede or faux suede thigh patches must be present, extending over the flight suit crotch and down the front finishing above the knee armor." But I'm not sure where the knee armor will sit.

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It should go as low as the top of your knee. Put yer coveralls on and mark the leg just above the knee. That should be fine. Use the template we've got floating around, open it in Paint and stretch it out as needed to fit your thigh. Make a paper copy first and see how that looks.

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Yup Andry has hit the nail on the head, you could mark about 25mm above your actual knee caps are. It's better to be a tiny bit short than extend past your knee armour, I wouldn't be worried if it ended there. This is not an exact thing, as we clearly don't know exactly what they we're, you just don't want it overly short or long

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Asa rule of thumb, I always use 75% of the distance between your crotch and your knee. When the patch curves upwards, that tends to just clip the top of the knee armour.


But it's not an exact science. Just don't make it like a merkin or a pair of John Wayne's riding chaps.

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Hey Shane,


Griffin-x shared it just a couple threads down:




It's also in the gallery. I resized mine a few times in ms paint, and ended up eyeballing it, but it came out nice.

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It looked really weird at first, trying to line the paper template up with the crotch seam, and front/back areas, but I had an AHA! moment when I wrapped it around the leg instead of having it all laying flat. If that makes sense ;)

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Be sure to peruse the gallery. Pay close attention to how far to the middle the riding patch comes. You can see it in the MoM exhibit pics.

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