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TheIsaac's WIP Thread

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Hi all,

I'm starting a TB build and want to share my experience and ask a ton of questions along the way.


I've built a TK and a TI before so I'm really looking forward to a new challenge.


So far, I've got some gloves from WampaWear and my SC armor arrived today.




I've ordered both a KS and CB helmet and a Bund/pouches from Marcel.


I'll probably go with a red kap jumpsuit but I haven't settled on that quite yet. I'm really open to suggestions on the suit.


I'll build for Lancer but settle for basic approval.


more to come....

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I'll be doing the biceps and forearms tonight.


Does anyone have an opinion about adding extra ABS behind the cuts in the armor to help with any stress the elastic can place on the armor? I'd like to avoid any tearing after a few years of trooping.



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I'll be doing the biceps and forearms tonight.


Does anyone have an opinion about adding extra ABS behind the cuts in the armor to help with any stress the elastic can place on the armor? I'd like to avoid any tearing after a few years of trooping.




I think the elastic would possibly rip or tear sooner than the armor would break. I followed Pandatrooper's tutorial closely and I think he has reinforcement for rivets but not elastic and velcro. To much give for those things. I would love to see what you come up with though if it concerns you. It's your armor and you can do what you want!

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Does anyone have an opinion about adding extra ABS behind the cuts in the armor to help with any stress the elastic can place on the armor? I'd like to avoid any tearing after a few years of trooping.


If it honestly worries you, go for the reinforcement. But if you just round off the edges where the strap sits, that'll do just fine.

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Thanks for the feedback on the added plastic. If you guys haven't had tearing, I won't worry about it.


Washed all of the armor to get any release agents off of the inside where I would be sticking adhesive velcro. I never thought this was a big deal until I made a Mando kit using some Sith Jedi shins and couldn't keep the velcro from peeling off during a troop.


Cut the velcro stips and used E6000 to add the tank topper and T-Bits to the biceps.





Once the E6000 dries, I'll feel off the parts that leaked out.

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I came home planning to sew elastic and velcro but the SC kit only comes with enough elastic to fit in the knees. The slots that were pre-cut on the biceps and forearms were too small for the longer 1.5 inch velcro.


I'm going to rivet the tank on tonight after reviewing some different ways people have attached it. It looks like the rivet will fit on the bottom just fine, but the top looks like it needs something added to give it more room to seat.

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So while test fitting the chest and back armor, it's not wrapping around my chest very well.

Has anyone tried to fit SC armor on a fat guy before?


I dont think heating the armor will open it up on the sides without causing a ripple.


Suggestions? (Besides go on a diet Isaac).

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Your blaster is in the mail bud!


You may be able to heat up the ends just a touch and get it to fit. Far enough to the end so you wont cause that ripple. How off is it? I have a 44" chest and have MC armor which is smaller than SC's and i didnt need to do anything to it. It does sit with a larger gap between the chest and back plates, but other than that it fits well.

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What's the best "troop-friendly" way to attach the belt in the back? I've seen those black paratrooping clips used. I've also seen velcro. Suggestions?


If you're not worried about going for Lancer, then you can use a parachute clip back there. I still use one from when I was approved back in the day. But when I redo my belt, I'll upgrade that to the most current Lancer standard. Slowly I'll update all my gear to the most current lancer standard. You're doing a good job on the armor. Keep it up!

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Thanks for the info. I went ahead and just copied what I saw in the lancer threads and used velcro in the back of the belt. I'm waiting until my RedKap suit arrives before trimming the drop box straps and attaching those.


I'm not planning on requesting Lancer, but I'm building to Lancer spec if that makes sense. I went for Centurion on FISD and it was a really bad experience. I'll post up some progress pictures once that jumpsuit arrives.



Thanks brother!

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Gloves look great!


Glad you worked out the armor issue..i had a feeling a little patience with a heat gun should remedy your problem.


As for the belt...the "correct" way is velcro. I actually like it better than the parachute clip because it gives you a little room for adjustment if you lose or gain a couple pounds from a garrison pizza party lol.

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The flightsuit arrives tomorrow so I'll post up pics dressed up for adjustment review and tips.


Only thing left is the boots I'm trying to pull off myself. If that fails, I'll send Marcel more money.

The snout is coming from Lou

I have a vest on commission from a local seamstress

and the thinner elastic for the lancer knee toppers.


Light at the end of the tunnel...

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