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So, having a 8 year old that loves her dad, loves Star Wars and loves the fact her dad is Darth Vader on most weekends is pretty awesome. The only thing more awesome is when she sees my building a biker scout and asks "can I be a scout too?"


After I stopped weeping for joy I caught the amazing thread from our resident mini-trooper expert Walt an we were off to the races! I'll try and get commentary from Cora as often as I can.


So build plan is:


Armor and bucket - Walt

Bund, boxes - Cora's' dad (thxboy)

Boots - Cora's dad (thxboy)

Flight suit - tbd (any ideas?)

Flak vest - Cora's dad (thxboy)

Gloves - tbd (ideas?)


I've been looking for gloves and flight suit. I think everything is too big. Any idea would be helpful but I'll get ambitious and build whatever I can.




Sent from the Death Star


First up is Cora's cumberbund and cod. Still have to add elastic





Sent from the Death Star

  • Like 2
  • 2 weeks later...

For the flightsuit, you might want to consider a two-piece instead of a one-piece, since she is a growing little girl who might need to hit the ladies room a few times during an event ;) A black turtleneck/mockneck shirt and black leggings might be easiest.


I ordered Cora the black flight suit from mypilotstore.com. I spoke with them about measurements and she is a medium.


Awesome Walt! Let me know when you have the holster ready and I'll order it up!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Been a while since I've had an update but fear not! I've been busy. Cora grew and I need to sew up a shim for her cumberbund. Need to also find gloves and finish her boots. Great kit Walt!





  • Like 1

Looking good. For gloves, just find basic no cuff gloves that fit her and not too bulky / hot. See your own gauntlet to simulate the screen used Esprit glove.

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