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Hopeful Scout Trooper... From MI.


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Hey all, my name is Matt and I posted in another thread but recieved no response, so I figured I'd just start another topic and post here.


I am a Jedi with the Temple of the Great Lakes (Base) of the Rebel Legion. I am hoping to complete my SCOUT TROOPER outfit soon to gain entry into the 501st.


I have done my fair share of research and have ordered the ARMOR, HELMET, SOFT PARTS 7 BLASTER from KS. I also ordered a Red Cap Worksuit (but it was too small and I have to get a larger one).


All I need now are: BOOTS, GLOVES, VEST?, and BALACLAVA.


I contacted Marcel about boots, but the e-mail was no good.

I also contacted Sith Armor about gloves and that e-mail was no good either.


SO: Does anybody have any suggestions for BOOTS & GLOVES?


Also, I believe the VEST is the only thing you have to make yourself? I pretty much wanted to buy everything already made and reay to troop in. I'm not good with sewing or alterations of any kind. I'd rather pay extra and have it all done so it looks perfect.


Thanks, I hope someone can help me track down some BOOTS & GLOVES and maybe where to get a BALACLAVA from... ;o)

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Hi ya Matt and Welcome...


Boots you would make them yourself, I have made two pairs they are pretty easy, there are tutorials in this forum....somewhere.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I also am at a loss of where to start. I know what I want to do, be a Scout Trooper, I helped as a NCS for one event and as if I wasn't hooked already I became more hooked after helping. I bought a under armour compression top, leggings but past that I just don't get where one begins. Can you buy some things or is everything something you have to make? Cause if so I guess I might need to know if anyone does commissions or lessons cause I am scared I would buy some kit and just wreck it, waste the money and have to do it again or get discouraged and quit and I don't want to quit. I am just in awe with all the awesome costumes I just don't know where to begin.

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  • 1 month later...



I just received my BOOTS from Marcel yesterday and they look great. My ARMOR, HELMET, SOFT PARTS & BLASTER (from KS) are coming soon in the mail. (I ordered them back on Jan. 3rd). I also have GLOVES, BALACLAVA and FLIGHTSUIT. (Although my Flight suit still needs to be altered with the thigh patches and buttflap). The only thing left that I need is a VEST. I'm hoping to have someone make that for me here real soon. As soon as my Armor & stuff comes in the mail, I will be super motivated to get the rest done quickly!


My hopeful date is mid MAY (which is our state's big comic con: Motor City Comic Con MCCC). I REALLY want to have my Scout Trooper not just done, but APPROVED! Here's hopin...

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Keep in mind that KS usually makes their pouches a little oversized, which may look odd on you. Also, I'm not too sure on the quality of their bunds either. Would have been better to order the bund and puches from Marcel when you ordered your boots. He does an outstanding job on those.

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Ya, maybe but oh well. I ordered my Armor and soft parts (and blaster) all rom the same place (so save on shipping) at the time I didn't know whao I was going with for boots. I made the decision later to get my boots from Marcel.


Hopefully everything should arrive in the mail next week or so and I can try everything on.


I will have to have someone make a vest for me because I viewed a really good tutorial on here (stasz) or something close to that. LOL. Anyways, it is an awesome tutorial and easy to follow, but I stll can't do any of that and hope it would turn out good.


I understand many of you actually PREFER to make things yourself as a sense of accomplishment. That's cool and all, but it's just not for me. I prefer to buy everything and that shouldn't be looked down upon from those who mnake things yourself.


A sson as I get my VESt the last thing I need is to modify my flightsuit (take off pockets, add thigh patches and butt flap). Then I'm all done done and will be ready to submit my approval photos! Waiting anxiously!

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I understand many of you actually PREFER to make things yourself as a sense of accomplishment. That's cool and all, but it's just not for me. I prefer to buy everything and that shouldn't be looked down upon from those who mnake things yourself.


Have you started work on your armor yet, or is that in the mail currently too? I had someone else make the armor, helmet, vest, pouches, cumberbund, and boots... but that doesn't mean the rest doesn't take a lot of work! It's taken me 3 months and many long nights. I learned to sew, for gosh sakes! Lots of velcro/strapping, sanding/cutting/forming the armor edges & webbing slots, riveting, and more. Adapting/creating the suede pattern and making sure both halves line up was a lot of time. I'm just saying it's a LOT of work to put together a Biker Scout accurately, even with commissioning those pieces from other sources. But it was also a lot of fun, a learning experience, and a very rewarding project. Make sure to follow the forum topic of Pandatrooper's build if you haven't already -- amazing tips and tricks!

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