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My Scout build..


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OK I finished the detonator and added it to the belt. I just have to finish the hip boxes and leg holster and then I will be ready for rough pics for approval.


Here's the link for the detonator clips that I got. I found the link in another thread here.






Oh and I finished my Rubies modded helmet. I have to say that putting in about 15-20 full working hours and about 50 bucks in home depot materials really paid off. I love this helmet. This is really a lot of fun to see your progress as you complete this costume. Not to mention that the people hear at BSN are awesome as well. Thanks goes out to all of you for your great responses and input to all of my questions thus far. I cant wait to meet some of you.. :D



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Ok guys here's my belt I followed Pandas thread for the most part and like the way it came out. I did do 1 mod to it I added a half of stick to each side of the Hip Boxes with Milliput to give them some weight to help keep them down at my side. It feels perfect too. Here's a couple of pics.





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Thanks John.


I just completed one side of the suede riding patch. I'm gonna do the other side in a day or 2. I find that taking my time with this is the best method!

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OK Guys,

I finished my boots and my undersuit, I just have one small adjustment to make and l'll be ready for my approval pics. I have Marcel sending me another bun that I'm waiting on but I am ready! I'll post a couple of pics of my completed build tonight! Everything I purchased was from people from this site. I just wanted to say A BIG THANKYOU TO ALL INVOLVED!!!!

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OK Guys and Gals,

Here's my completed suit. Please go easy on me it's my first ever StarWars Costume.


Lancer Specs:


Helmet Rubies Modded

Vest - Chef

Bun, Pouches, Boots- Marcel

Flightsuit- Rothco/ Real Suede Butt Flap and Riding Patches

Gloves- Wampa

Armor- SC

Balaclava- Ebay

Blaster- DVH









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