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My Scout build..


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Hi mate. Great job :-) Feels good to complete your first build doesn't it!?

I'm a perfectionist so I'm nit picking but I would move your pouches out just a touch so that you can see all the ribs on the bund (although it may just be your stance in the photo), your drop boxes could do with levelling up as they seem to be lower at the back than the front and velcro patches or push studs will help to prevent the forearm and bicep armour from slipping out of position :)

As I say I'm nit picking! Hope this helps?

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Looks really good! I guess you are going for Lancer?


My two bits:


1) Looks like your bund is peeking out from under the belt

2) Dropboxes might be hanging a little far down your thighs. Might want to shorten the straps a bit. The movie scouts wore the boxes pretty close to the belt.

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Yeah I am going for Lancer, and I took both of your advise and I raised my boxes, separated the belly pouches more, added velcro to the knees and the both arms. Now I'm looking scout SHARP. The belt I will drop down a bit that's just a matter of loosening the velcro in back.


Thanks guys for the insight!

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The guys beat me to it. Those are the only two bits that needed tweaking. And, would not hold up Legion approval. Get your Legion app submitted! Then, you'll be all ready for Lancer. Awesome. Job!


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Congrats, buddy!

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