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My Scout build..


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Hey Guys,

I hope you don't mind I just wanted to post this here, really for a way of me to keep track of my scout build. I have bought these components so far and waiting for them to arrive.


Helmet - DONE


Hard Armor - DONE


Under suit - DONE


Cummerbund - DONE


Boots - DONE


Gloves - DONE


Hold-out Blaster - DONE


Signed up on BSN - DONE


Asked for approval - Not yet


Updated 02/22/2015

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Here's a pic of me modifying my Rubies. I have been going by this nice tutorial :


I have added support brackets to the visor, bucket and the mask. Sanded down the label on the back and prepped it for a new paint and lens when it arrives. Then once the nose piece arrives I'll be adding that to. Still a lot to do but steady as she goes.....



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3/4 of the way done with the Rubies. Have to fill in small holes on visor and paint. Than snout, lens, decals and finally padding for head....Man I can't wait to get in the BSD!



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Well I decided that I am going to have to move the holes on the side of the helmet back about 1/4 inch so I filled them in with some Milliput and Styrene Plastic card to get a nice solid platform to drill a new hole into the helmet! Here's a pic with them filled. I will post pics of the new holes sometime this weekend.



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Your funny dude! I'm really just taking my time so I can do this right! Tomorrow I'm going to sand it down, make sure she's nice and smooth for painting this weekend. Then I'll add the lens and decals. Oh I think I'm going to add magnets for the mask to stay shut tight against the helmet too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I'm 90% done the Rubies Helmet...I painted it yesterday and here's some pics of the progress. I have the snout and decals going in this week and then the lens, So it should be finished by the time my armor arrives from SC.



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OK here's some with decals applied.




Here's a shot of the lens I glued the top half in with a Glue Stick, then made braces the the bottom and the sides. snug as a bug...


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I started the armor build today. Because I'm rather tall and a little on the slender side the armor pieces for SC were perfect size. I just had to round the corners and tomorrow I'll add the straps. I fixed the helmet lines to make them straight and I'm really looking forward to finishing the helmet this weekend. I received my vest from Chef and its a good fit, just a little tweaking to make perfect.





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Did some more work on my scout today. I cut all the slits in the armor did my shoulder bells and mounted all of the velcro. Tonight I'm gonna make the "T" straps and the top body armor covers for the "T" straps. I'm going to do the belt last. I'm still waiting for my boots and bund and pouches from Marcel to arrive.


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Thanks. I am working on the belt now and decided to add some miliput to the inside of the hip boxes to give them some weight to them. This way it should keep them bouncing around when your walking.

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Quick question, Can we use black 1 1/2 Velcro for the shoulder bell on the underside of them. its easier to use that then the white. Its very hard to find sticky White 1 1/2 inch Velcro in the U.S.

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