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Hello, my names Ben and I'm setting out to build a scout trooper costume. Please feel free to tell me if I'm posting in the wrong place, I'm very new to this forum and I apologise in advance if I'm looking in the wrong area.


Anyway, I've done lots of research into the scout trooper costume (where I can buy kits, assembly instructions etc), my issue is I'm know the 501st does not endorse particular armour makers and I'm aware of the rules of discussing these makers in the forums. Therefore I'm worried that I'll do something wrong like buying the wrong thing or doing something incorrectly.


What can I do about this, and once again any criticism is welcome.


Thanks so much



Welcome to BS.N, Ben. You'll find all the information you need on these message boards. I'd also suggest joining up on the UK Garrison's message boards as well. Lots of people, both here and there, that can help.


Hello Ben


The forum have staff and armourers whom it's best to send private massages to regarding things to buy BEFORE you spend any money.


Feel free to message me any time and il help you out bud :)


But read read read first of all, armour types also can lean towards certain body sizes also, so something else to think about

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