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looking for ready to wear suit


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Hi, i found this seller with jumsuit ready to wear what do you think ?

if not good seller any recommandations ?

i'm looking for ready to wear suit .




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Sometimes had the same for me, but what about design ? this kind of suit can be validated ?

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I contacted Cucblack. His job look much better and far away from seller of this website.

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Did anyone read the 3rd post that his account is susspended?


Years ago when I was trying to jooin the 501st, my 1st costume was an Imperial Tie Pilot. I ordereed a flightsuit from Evolution Props. It said it was custom made to my measurements. So I took all meassurements requested & added a lil extra. Would rather have it too big than too tight. Well after 3mos of waiting with nothing I caontacted the seller. He said it was shipped out, but would resend another right away. In 4 days I had a yellow DSL bag from him at my door. Now when I say bag, I mean bag. It was a n empty shipping bag in tact, no rips, holes or tears. It was sealed & shipped emprty. I chewed his @$$ & he sent another replacement right away. This one again arrived in a short time. But this jumpsuit was so small the wrist cuffs didn't even close.

I was out over $130/ I left negative feedback on Ebay & let everyone know over in the JRS to move along.

So read all the post before you start chiming in on ohh it looks to have all the right parts.

This guy is a rip off. "


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