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RS Prop Masters TB Helmet - coming soon


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Well attended my last convention on Saturday for 2014 and had a nice surprise when I visited the RS Prop Masters display area, got some personal items signed by Richard Bonehill and noticed a primed Biker Scout helmet.


Spoke to Simon from RS Prop Masters and he confirmed that they are looking into developing a screen accurate scout helmet :wub:


Here's a pic of a scout helmet they had on display which I took using my iphone hence the poor image quality, looking forward in future updates from RS on this helmet



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Yep these were offered to previous buyers via e-mail. Word is they purchased a production scout helmet from propstore (not screen used, but production made, meaning it was made on site in 82/83 but never used for filming)and will make VERY limited numbers of these. If i had the cash, it looks very promising, but unless its not limited i doubt i'll get my greezy hands on one lol

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haha yea kind of..i think it was 299 pounds. But keep in mind that is fully built/painted. I know they were offering a signature one as well, (Dickey beers) but i forget if that was included in the 299 or it was additional..i should check that e-mail again

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The lid they had on display was a LoneWolf one.


Being there all weekend, I spent a large amount of time talking to Rob and Simon (especially over a few drinks at the Ball).


They have indeed bought the Prop Store lid, and will be looking to retro make lids from it. At the moment, they haven't taken delivery of it, but are aiming to get this 'soon'.


It won't be at least until May next year that they will be looking at production.



At this stage, and this is subject to rumour control, and I am sure Rob and Si will illicit more details in the near future, the costs of the finished lid are going to be closer to the £400 mark.

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yep sorry guys forgot to mention it was a LW helmet on display which is a bit naughty


your correct Chef, they did say the price was going to be around the £400 price mark can't remember if that

included a signed plaque by D.Beer :)


on the plus side it's going to be all plastic

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Well I bought the efx too and that one wasn't even made of the correct material so....cheap in comparison.


Got the email too and still try to get the funds...

I hope this one will be available on a regular base though anytime. I also like the snowtrooper and hope to get it once I'm finished with the scouts....if that can be done some day; lol..

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thats alot for a lid


Also realize this will be the first time a scout helmet is available that is cast off an original. Back when the first TK helmet was available cast off an original, (TE i believe) the price was actually more than this. I think its justified and that people will pay it to have the first scout bucket cast off an original, and likely made from the same materials as the original, just like thier TK helmets. This is of course, only my opinion, based on what ive seen in the past, and off thier TK helmet prices that seem to sell well :)

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It is expensive...


But it's a vastly superior option to the EFX, which is.

A: Not made from the original materials

B: More expensive.



They'll sell alright. That's for sure.


EFX are lucky this wasn't announced prior to their bucket launch. Otherwise it would have bombed.

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Yeah I probably wouldn't have ordered it then. Maybe not even a coincidence ;-).


However I'm going to keep it now and will have a nice collection of helmets.


Still I have to possess that precious from the other island too.

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I sincerely doubt that RS Props will make it out of anything other than the accurate materials used on screen. Man I am so excited for this! I live in CA though so shipping from the UK will hurt but considering I was able to get the efx for $150 cheaper than usual I guess it evens out...

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Hopefully this is made more available and eventually drops in price over time. I would love to get my hands on one of these. I've actually been waiting for RS props to do this

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Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. But let's keep on point with talking about the lid, and leave the eFx out of this. Don't need any potential for this thread to spiral out of control.

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