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using electronic in your helmet?

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To make your voice better heard coming out vague and muffled from within the helmet and get a more mechanical voice sound like a real com.

There are several smaller voice amps out there fitting nicely into more authenitc sized helmets.

Some still put their amps and speakers elsewhere like pouches, chest armor etc.



There is also some 501st radio chatter for amps available - I for my part don't like his idea but well....

Having a more or leas concealed helmet I would suppose the only sound available for the public is the com so troopers can

communicate with people around them and not equipped with a com link while base or squad communication if available would be FYEO and happen to be transmitted via headphone.

But does it really exist? The one scout nailing Leia sending his partner to get backup implies if any communication takes place between scouts it must be short range at best and I don't need someone to report in that is just a shout around the corner ;).


There are still scouts running around with BFGs though and god knows what else so why not have some more "candy" to add.

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I've got a ROMFx unit in mine, rigged in to a custom mic and earphone that is plugged in to my PMR (personal mobile radio) that is switchable via a magnetic switch in the helmet, so I can talk between amplified speech to members of the public, and covert communications on the PMR to others on the same channel.

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I've got a ROMFx unit in mine, rigged in to a custom mic and earphone that is plugged in to my PMR (personal mobile radio) that is switchable via a magnetic switch in the helmet, so I can talk between amplified speech to members of the public, and covert communications on the PMR to others on the same channel.


Now THAT is cool. :duim:

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The amp system and the PMR are located in the pouches, with 3.5mm jack connectors to the helmet so I can remove it without having to unhitch all the electronics.


Yes, it's a magnetic reed switch. The operating magnet is inside the index finger in my glove, so I just touch it to the outside of my helmet to switch between the two comm systems.


The switch is merely a feed activator, with all the techno-wizardry in a small junction box which sits in a pouch.


There is also a LED in the helmet to let you know when you're transmitting on the PMR.

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Nice! the LED is a nice touch and the reed switch is a really awesome "no-button" solution for those sausage fingered gloves.


I work for a company called SparkFun Electronics. If anyone's looking for parts like that reed switch, or if you're looking to roll your own amp, it's a pretty good spot to shop. It's also a good place to read tutorials if you don't really know your way around electronics yet.


(Within reason, I may also be able to help people out with a friends/family discount, FYI)

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