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WIP: designing the Biker Full leather boots by GIO


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Hello bikers, usually can find me on CTN or FB with my full leather SW boots, time ago I made a full biker leather pair boots for Pac V. , by coincidence I was wondering why all the bikers boots have to be mountaing boots covered with vinyl and why not full leather? well the day that Pac contacted me via FB was the start for this project, the boots have to be:

-Full Leather

-100% screen accurated

-Made under each measures user

-Have to be almost indestructible (Endor Forest is a hard place to patrol)


I started the design looking for an appropiated shape lasts and the more accurated sole I can find:




with patterns made, I cutted the leather and other parts ans sew:




I made a shoe base shape:





now we can attach the boot section:



We have now the first view of how will look the finished pair:


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The leather section is ready:



Time to go to the soles:and here the results, awesome, the leather have now the exact shape I was looking for:



The design is successful, I have the boot movement exactly as the movie:



Just left to attach de toe straps and the 1cm leather strip sorrounding the toe and will be ready to ship:



Pac received the boots (the square shape on the O mouth portion is product of packing and ship, leather will recover his natural form faster):



And Pac using the boots (I decided not to make the vacuumformed pistol holder cause every armor set comes with):



Finally, as a personal mark, I putted a metal toe inside the boot, here the video probing the metal toe:


I hope you liked this making of





RL CO Ecuador Outpost

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I'm not sure if this critique is welcomed btu as it states WIP I share my thoughts.


They look better than most but I think a sneaker base like the original aka Paladium/Sahal would have been better to achieve the more pointed toe tip opposed to working/outdoor boots. The metal toe also detracts form the original scout boot look.


I'm not sure if these soles are custom made or available generic blanks to base individual boot designs on.

If custom made you may try to bring it more in line with the original look.


See - those scout boots probably were made to resemble jack boots of some kind but the boots are completely different due to the base they used and the way the "chaps" were applied. And this creates a very unique look.

Look at these shots - very soft and wrinkled opposed to your (and most other competitors and custom mades) solid and sleek design.


People will hate me but I did this chart to compare:





As most use working boots as a base though - it won't be noticed by the audience if at all.

But going the more difficult path it would add to the more authentic look.

I think there are enough square boxy scout boots out there and more or less easy to aquire.

How about something new?

The closest so far but not finished (I think) has been Lonewolfs attempt on modeling the sole pattern on his own in 2011 or so.


That said I of course admire your abilities to do these from scratch and hope you go the extra mile.


A better angle of the piece covering the instep would be nice too as it looks as if it would be a bit misplaced -> too much towards the heels. But I cannot tell from that last picture.

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Of course the Sierra sneakers sole is the saint grial on bikers, I made the Jango soles cause original KC boots owners sent me to cast and make all the sizes in alum molds, if someone have a high resolution scan file of the Sierra sneakers sole would be wonderful to make all sizes alum molds, anyway I used available generic blanks soles to base individual boot designs on, about the toe shape, I must to agree with you, the toe has less height in the original and can be fixed easily making a more skinny last to work on.

I have a side view of the straps, I dont posted cause was a trial and I dont take a pic of the finished, let me want...




and one using the boots:




I know the sew was not straight but the intention was make a little twisted as the original movie boots.


So, I can change the lasts shape for more accurate, but the absence of Sierra sneakers soles limites me and can not make more changes.

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I can't really speak for accuracy of the boot as I am completely new and still working on getting my own armor put together. My personal opinion is that for a WIP they look pretty good. And as a motorcycle rider I would appreciate a steel toe boot for more positive shifting engagement on my motorcycle. And yes, I do plan at least a few trips around town in full Biker Scout armor (with White Icon Variant DOT approved helmet with dark smoke lens of course... Safety first kids!)


One thing I will be able to add though, since I have been reading up on all the forum topics, is that there are 3D scans of the Sierra boot soles floating around due to an effort to have replica original boots made. The discussion can be found here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9177&st=20


Good luck on getting these into screen accurate shape!

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The originals were def made out of leather. How you have the dogbone in those pics are too far back though. Boots still need to velcro in the back as well.

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Yes the originals were made of leather but not like those replica boots by Gio or sources like caboots, zonkvador and some other source in mexico or another south american source apart from Gio build up their boots in leather right from the start based on a generic sole.


ILM has build them around the base canvas boots as far as we can tell. If they weren't they would lack any stability to the feet due to the way they're constructed. That is why Gio build a jodpur like boot first as a base. Just that he had no canvas based tip and that way only the boot leg to be attached unlike the original.

For the covering strip along the tip ILM used the same leather just thinned. Talking to a local shoe worker I was told this is a common practice when I asked how you can achieve that look if not using vinyl. The final confirmation was given by Gino when I asked him in his life size figure thread if vinyl was partially used or not. So no vinyl was used!

I'm not sure if they used thinned leather for the tip though. I guess that would be subject to a test what is possible and what it looks like in the end compared to the references.



I think Gio already incorporated the velcro in the back.


I'm going to re-scan my boots within the next months with a better scanner - however I want to try something else before releasing them to the public to be sure to have the maximum quality, authenticity and ideally the maximum demand to realize it.


there should be at least three known pairs of Hi-Tec boots out there next to mine - so if one of the owners decides different you don't have to wait for me and my more ambitious capers.



as we see with the example of jcarlson101 there are also customers prefering functional boots rather than screen authentic boots.

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The originals were def made out of leather. How you have the dogbone in those pics are too far back though. Boots still need to velcro in the back as well.


The dogbone can be sewed in appropiate position that is not an issue and the velcro in the back is present, check this pic, my employee is sewing the hard velcro portion in this pic:


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Yes the originals were made of leather but not like those replica boots by Gio or sources like caboots, zonkvador and some other source in mexico or another south american source apart from Gio build up their boots in leather right from the start based on a generic sole.


ILM has build them around the base canvas boots as far as we can tell. If they weren't they would lack any stability to the feet due to the way they're constructed. That is why Gio build a jodpur like boot first as a base. Just that he had no canvas based tip and that way only the boot leg to be attached unlike the original.

For the covering strip along the tip ILM used the same leather just thinned. Talking to a local shoe worker I was told this is a common practice when I asked how you can achieve that look if not using vinyl. The final confirmation was given by Gino when I asked him in his life size figure thread if vinyl was partially used or not. So no vinyl was used!

I'm not sure if they used thinned leather for the tip though. I guess that would be subject to a test what is possible and what it looks like in the end compared to the references.



I think Gio already incorporated the velcro in the back.


I'm going to re-scan my boots within the next months with a better scanner - however I want to try something else before releasing them to the public to be sure to have the maximum quality, authenticity and ideally the maximum demand to realize it.


there should be at least three known pairs of Hi-Tec boots out there next to mine - so if one of the owners decides different you don't have to wait for me and my more ambitious capers.



as we see with the example of jcarlson101 there are also customers prefering functional boots rather than screen authentic boots.


As the fabric is not visible I worked with the material and machinery avalaible to me, the original boots have the fabric with the rubber melted on it, if I have to go by the bible I would have to make rubber melted in the fabric but I can´t, so, I will make as best I can do, so, you people are right, is not 100% a replica but I try that to be "screen accurated" this mean that look the more similar possible as we can see in the movie.


Phil, meanwhile the scanned file is avalaible for me or other shoemaker, I must to work with the soles avalaible in the market.


If the future biker want a pair without the metal toe I will do, anyway the metal toe is an extra for free.

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