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Any complications with gluing the belt?

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I just received my SC armor in the mail :D and was wondering if anyone has had any issues trooping with their three piece belt glued together? I feel like rivets would be more durable and I would have less to worry about (I'm not going for Lancer). The last thing I want at an event is my belt coming apart..

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However, if it's hot or humid, E6000 will not be your friend. We have temps up to 104 in the shade here in Texas. E6000 is awesome for most things. I just don't use it for anything permanent.

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I tried Panda's method tonight and just about ruined my center belt piece. Even the side piece is so warped now that it won't get a clean level bond with the center piece. I will likely have to replace both pieces. I'm so furious right now. 😤

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Getting new belt pieces shipped out next week. Jeff is the bomb. Definitely not doing Panda's method again as I have a heavy hand with the heat gun. I will try sanding + gluing and if that doesn't feel strong enough then I will add some white rivets.

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I tried Panda's method tonight and just about ruined my center belt piece. Even the side piece is so warped now that it won't get a clean level bond with the center piece. I will likely have to replace both pieces. I'm so furious right now. ������


Yeah the heat gun is not for everyone. I was able to glue my SC belt together just fine without it. Using E6000. Then again, we don't have a humidity issue here in the deserts of Southern California.

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