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Guest Maddog8400

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Guest Maddog8400

Just got my SC armor. I have a question about rivets. the instructions say to use 1/8th rivets, how long should they be? It also says I should use backing washers, are these to go behind the rivets? I've never used rivets so I am unfamiliar with how to use them. I got some 1/8th white rivets but I think they might be too short and won't go through. I got some 3/8th washers but realized they are too big to grab. I feel like I am going about this all wrong. Good thing I've only tested the rivets on other things first.

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A backing washer is just that, you put the rivet through whatever you are riveting and then slot on the washer before pumping the gun


Rivet length really depends on what you are riveting, you want a good 3mm sticking past everything, enough for some rivet to be bent behind the washer

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Are you riveting the holster to the boot, the webbing to the belt, or the hump to the back plate? The washer should be 1/8" too and slide on to the bottom inside to take the stress of the material being riveted.

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the 1/8th is likely to refer to the diameter of the rivet. (I use 4mm in metric)


For length... I'd suggest somewhere near 1/2" or 10-12mm in metric.



Backing washers are the same diameter as the rivet head.



The Rivet will go through the plastic then through the strap (or what ever you're putting it into ) and then you put the backing washer on.


This is basically to stop the end of the rivet pulling through what ever you've just put it through.

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Guest Maddog8400

Thanks guys, I am riveting everything, the belt and back. I think the ones I got are too short. They are 1/4 inch long. The washers are too big, they won't even catch the rivet. Back to the hardware store.

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Did you guys find backing washers at any local stores? I tried Home Depot, but the only washer with a 1/8th inside diameter had too large of an outside diameter. I don't want to wait for an online order and pay for shipping on a $2 bag of washers.

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Maybe this will help:

I got 2 types of rivets and have used them both throughout my kit build:

-an 1/8" diameter head, 1/8" grip range (length of the rivets "sword handle"... cuz it looks like a mini sword)

-an 1/8" diameter head, 1/4" grip range (much longer "sword handle")


As seen in the pic below, the two rivets on the bottom are 1/8" head and 1/8" grip (with 1/8" diameter washers). The rivets on the top are 1/8" head with 1/4" grip (and 1/8" washers) because it had to go thru so much more stuff (ie. the fabric, the elastc, the plastic). Hope that helps.



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Did you guys find backing washers at any local stores? I tried Home Depot, but the only washer with a 1/8th inside diameter had too large of an outside diameter. I don't want to wait for an online order and pay for shipping on a $2 bag of washers.


Found both the rivets and washers at the same hardware store. They should be right next to each other on the shelf. I didn't even spend $2... more like $1 for a box of 20 washers. I think the aluminum ones are cheaper than the steel ones.

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