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Hey all,


So after doing some research I've made a couple of decisions and I'm on my way towards building a biker scout. My only costume right now is my ESB Vader which took 4 years to get done. I don't think the TB will take as long. I still could use some advice so please feel free to weigh in.


I'm 6'3" and about 220lbs.


Helmet: CB (ordered)

Armor: SC (received)

Gloves: Wampa (received)

Flight suit: CB (ordered)

Flak Vest: CB (ordered)

Cummerbund: TBD

Cod: TBD (thinking about making the bund and cod separate pieces so I could sit easier)

Boots: TBD

Holdout Blaster: Hyperfirm (received)


Any advice or suggestions is welcome.


Updates to follow!

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I got my SC armor this week! I'm going to start putting together some of the pieces probably next week. Really stoked. It's beautiful work and communication and delivery is outstanding. I don't get why anyone would wait 9 months for other makers when SC is so available.


Made some more updates on the list. Ordered flight suit and flak vest from CB. Also ordered a Hyperfirm holdout blaster from Lewis.

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The wampa gloves are great aren't they? I love my sc armor, I got the full kit. I personally like their bucket. The cummerbund as a one piece is easy to sit in. I paid a friend to make mine. It didn't take too long to build the armor. I wish they cut the lens out for you but you went with another bucket. Any questions feel free to pm. I get bored and hit the forums often


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Hyperfirm blaster showed up this week. Lewis was very good to work with. Great communication and quick to ship. Bummer is he did all the weathering for me and I love doing that part! Oh well, he did such a nice job I can't be mad. I doubt I could've done any better. Since it showed at the office all my co workers had fun playing "pew-pew" with it. Star Wars props just does something to adults. Kids too I suppose. ;-)


Now just waiting on flight suit before I can really get moving. Meanwhile, lord Vader has a couple of appearances to make today.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So after some research, I opted to order these boots as the base of my boot build. Anyone have a good lead on where to get the appropriate white vinyl?





In other good new my CB flight suit and helmet are on the way do the build should pick up speed next week!

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I got the vinyl at a fabric shop. Shoe goo and thumb tacks at WalMart. I found the boots at WalMart too actually. This was my favorite part of the entire build. I'll admit that it gave me trouble. I made some bad measurements at first and had to start all over but both attempts were fun. I did the heating and stretching in the oven. It was cold when I did it just like it will be for you so a hot car may not work but set the oven at warm and leave it in for a few min or until you smell rubber


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Ok, so o bought some lugs boots as the base after doing my research and I'm ready to get started on the hoot build.


Below are my pics. I made my own template based on the boot tutorial with the width at top 18" and at the arch 16.5".


I feel the arch width is good but it's a bit tight at the calf. Do you guys agree? Maybe go to 20" At the calf? I wear a size 14 and I'm 6' 3" overall. I also wonder if I shouldn't go a bit taller?











Sent from the Death Star

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Ok, I didn't wait for feedback (but still really need it) and I went ahead and scaled up the template a bit. I decided to let it go higher since I could take material off the top easily (or hem it more) but also scaled the arch. Better???









Sent from the Death Star

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I would watch the back - you are going to have to have the Velcro in there to latch it shut so when sizing it up you may want to pull it tighter to account for them material overlapping 1 inch. I sized my dog bone up by blowing up the reference photos- I think yours needs to come down more. I haven't finished mine yet so you may want to wait for others to offer opinions. Also keep in mind you will have the flight suit on so you may want to have long pants on while sizing it too

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Thanks Hawk.

I think the arch needs some adjustment too. After looking at more reference I think the arch needs to be a touch smaller so both sides finish in line with the gap in the sole and I need to add more to the back as you say for the Velcro overlap. Well, take three it is!

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I was gonna say make sure you have enough for the Velcro on the back. At the bone is where I screwed up and had to start over. My bone was fine, but needed more from the back piece and I but my toe section too small. I say start with the toe. I didnt heat and stretch the back section and on hot troops the tend to get warm and sag some. Stretch that toe till you can't get much more stretch out of it. I thumb tacked the final to the sole and baked it at 100 or so for like ten min or until I smelled rubber and instantly got to stretching. As I've said alot, this was my favorite part. I'm excited for you!!!


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I had a fire place at my last apt and didnt think of that! I made my boots and armor in late winter and had a fire most nights. I went with the oven because so many of my fellow garrison mates insisted on it because it was too cold to use a car. Idk where you're from but I'm in Louisiana, in the summer my boots start getting soft an hour into an outdoor troop. Let us know how it does. Your wip has been more fun than others I've seen and only one i follow.


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