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Chest back webbing is the same as the drop box webbing for sure.


Same width too?


Chest back webbing is the same as the drop box webbing for sure.


Cool. :D


Any chance you have any photos or can tell us how that part of the suit connects (are the straps velcro'd into place on the inside of the chest or do they secure the chest/back another way?)


Ok so just getting clarification.

The flak vest is a full sized shirt and the cod piece (triangle crotch part) connects to that? Then the bund is worn over the vest and the belt worn on the bottom of the bund? Sorry if this is a dumb question I'm still new.



  • Like 3
The flak vest is a full sized shirt and the cod piece (triangle crotch part) connects to that? Then the bund is worn over the vest and the belt worn on the bottom of the bund?


I think that's what Gino's getting at. So the flak vest has both the bund and cod attached to it, but the cod and the bund aren't attached to each other.


I think that's what Gino's getting at. So the flak vest has both the bund and cod attached to it, but the cod and the bund aren't attached to each other.


Pics of that setup would be ideal. Hook us up Gino, please! :)

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I'm making the prototype now. I think all pieces are connected to the vest. Cod, bund and pouches. I'll use velcro to attached. And vest will larger like Boba Fett vest.

I'll post pics once time finish it.


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Ok so just getting clarification.

The flak vest is a full sized shirt and the cod piece (triangle crotch part) connects to that? Then the bund is worn over the vest and the belt worn on the bottom of the bund? Sorry if this is a dumb question I'm still new.




This stuff is all brand new to us. You could still get clearance with the regular style cummerbunds we've been using all this time. We're just trying to figure out this stuff based on the new details. I'm very curious to see what Christian comes up with. I'm going to mess around with it myself this weekend.

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Saw this thread just now....


Wee...I envy you Gino.

Very nice display I wish I could see in person.


I think I've read all but sorry if this was asked already.


Regarding the vest-to-cummerbund connection.

As all seems to be carried by the vest I wonder how the individual parts are connected.


I think it's quite certain that the pouches are connected with velcro or sewn on as the way the extensions at the back of the pouches suggest it.


But what about the bund?

Does it hang on hook and loop system similar to what we know of the regular troopers just with a different material?

Or is it velcroed on? Something I have doubts about as it would be impractical on the move and not flexible enough.


So can you tell about that?



Also. As you jave seen them probably...

Do the boot leg and toe tip sport different material?

I think ot's quite certain the boot leg is made of leather but I am unsure about the toe tip.

It is common practice to use vinyl and the way it shines on reference photos and regarding the thickness - which looks quite thin at the toe tip - seem to support this theory.

I'm not sure if any of the fortunate people who saw the exhibit peace were close enough to say for sure and did so. At least I can't recall anyone proving it.

So are there different materials ised ans is it correct that vinyl has been the second material?

Pr wasnit all completely different?


Would be nice to get a definate answer but oc I respect that some can't be revealed and look forward to what comes to light.


Thanks for doing this!






Another question to Gino:


In the MOM exhibition piece we see hints to some sort of additional or just seperating square at knee height.

We see what looks like extra seams at the knee pit or just the rest of a forward pointed textile segment.

Looks a bit like the pockets we have in contemporary working pants just that it's no pocket but part of the basic overall.

Is that a unique thing limited to the MOM Scout or some part as described meaning another hint what type of overall was used?



To other people asking some questions:


I hope I adress the correct parts asked for. The detonator greeblies, the bund and crotch connection/seperation are very good recognizable in the Blu Ray references posted here some time ago. (Too bad that one got no under suit :/).


The detonator greeblies are offered by various sources (also in the UK). One of which was identified to be the radar dish of the Gepard 1:35 model like with the tank topper (including the two smaller greeblies next to the fins). The other one I don't know but the replicas I got seem to be spot on.


Only things missing are the correct origin and size of "cooling" fins and the "gas/thermos cap" and the aforementioned lower bicep greeblie. At least that is my status.

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The toe strip was just really thinned out leather. It appeared to be the same as the rest of the boot.

The tip tops of the boot were also thinned out like this so that they could be folded over to make a finished edge without there being bulk when folded over and stitched.


I think what you are referring to at the knees are the second pocket panel. There are two pocket panels per leg. Also they are not functioning pockets, just panels.


I would very much love to see the found part detonator greeblies by themselves. Has the entire piece been identified? I've seen people's reproductions but I can't tell what parts are found parts and which parts are scratch built. Would love to see a photo highlighting these aspects.


I'm not sure what you mean by cooling fins.


I can post some really good pics of the lower bicept greebly too. It definitely appears to be another found model part.

Also just as a side note, the original costumes didn't use the actual model part, they molded one and then made castings for all the suits.





Here's some close up pics of the lower bicept greebly.

If anyone identifies it, post it up here.

Would be awesome if someone could find it and make castings available (since the original ones were castings too).








Here's the inner bit.




I've got this integrated into my greeblie already.

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Hey Gino. I think most people have been using scratch built / cast or 3D printed and cast greeblies on the biceps and thermal detonator. I'm not sure what model kit they come from but a lot of us have been getting both greeblies from a seller on eBay.




The top of the T bit looks pretty accurate. The box isn't quite exact.


Would it be helpful if we got some RPF studio scale types to help in the search? They seem to be resourceful in identifying these types of parts.


We know the snout greeblie is that 70's Yamaha motorcycle engine.


Yeah the studio scale guys are pretty good at finding things.

The top part of the t-bit is from the vintage darth vader tie fighter model kit (but I thought that was common knowledge).




Yup, the top of the t-bit is from the MPC Tie Advanced model kit (the piece on the outside of the wing).


The bottom bit, to me, looks like it was mostly scratch-made. I've been working on one to offer up here that's been modeled in CAD by a garrisonmate.


There's actually a better photo of the top circle. It's actually a hex shape, not circular...




As for the thermal detonator, the model bit shown by Rob is from the 1:12 scale Tamiya Ferrari 312T4 kit. The rest of it... big question mark. Some of it's just too generic (the cylinder) to pin down. I think it was mostly scratch made and the above piece was the only "bling" added to it.


The other model pieces that we know of are the circle greebs on the thermal detonator (same piece is the knob on the tank topper). That's from the 1:35 scale Tamiya Gepard tank kit. There's also a couple other bits on the tank topper from the same tank kit. I think the rest of it is just scratch built.


Cool I'd be interested to see how that comes out.

I really do think that it's not scratch built though. I would be shocked if it weren't a found item or model part.


You may have noticed that the lower circular element has a recessed half circle.

this is a common joint technique with model kits... so I wouldn't wipe away the possibility this to be a part of XY model kit or something of that kind.

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You may have noticed that the lower circular element has a recessed half circle.

this is a common joint technique with model kits... so I wouldn't wipe away the possibility this to be a part of XY model kit or something of that kind.


In my search, I totally thought about that, Philipp. My problem was that I couldn't find anything from model kits of the era, that was close. It's possible that it's a piece of a kit, but which one, haha!


To be honest, the top hex shape almost looks like a hex screw head. That's why I think that it's scratch-made. I would, however, LOVE to be proven wrong. :D


I'm going to message my guy and see if we can't include the recessed bit in the CAD model. Shouldn't be a big dealio.


Has anyone tried to make the bund shorter yet? I've got a spare bund lying around and I'm considering it myself, but since everything is held up with carefully placed velcro I need to also think about adding or removing some of that.

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Has anyone tried to make the bund shorter yet? I've got a spare bund lying around and I'm considering it myself, but since everything is held up with carefully placed velcro I need to also think about adding or removing some of that.


Tried it. Still tweaking. Also working on a new flak vest so I can configure things as Gino mentioned they were in the archives (cod attached to flak vest with bund on top).


I was also experimenting with using a different material (heavy dull satin, using the dull side). Also did something a bit like Pandatrooper did for his cod, but with no foam.


Hoping to have it all done before the end of the year in the actual materials used (more or less).

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Yeah I always thought the codpiece was some sort of waterproof synthetic material with some thick batting in it. Seems even more likely now that we know it isn't part of the cummerbund.

Has anyone tried to make the bund shorter yet? I've got a spare bund lying around and I'm considering it myself, but since everything is held up with carefully placed velcro I need to also think about adding or removing some of that.


Shorten the bund? I don't understand.


so far I had a combination but the bund only covers the area it has to cover. It also has the two seperate elements (crotch and bund).







The new version will also incorporate the information given in this thread.

Of course there will be my special gimmicks for comfort and practicability as always.



Yeah I always thought the codpiece was some sort of waterproof synthetic material with some thick batting in it. Seems even more likely now that we know it isn't part of the cummerbund.


I doubt. I think it is the same material as the bund. what kind of material I can't say but it must be soft as it wrinkles a lot at the sides in most scenes. So it it's not that stable.

However I used such synthetic material for the vest. for the bund I couldnt get it in white unfortunately :( so I used heavy cotton which blended well with the synthetic. Maybe I have more luck next time.

The stability in my gear was achieved by the seamstress who made the decision to add a seam at the sides. So the bund consists of actually 4 pieces. left and right wing at the back and the front with attached crotch.

actually I am not unhappy with that decision but I'm still unhappy with the messed up boomerang seam at the crotch and the thinner velcro seam line compared to the vest part....


I gess I will give up on the combination idea although I liked it but the original concept may allow for more movement although I encounter not to many problems. Still it might open up some more (not screen accuratebut practical) opportunities that way.


Just pre-ordered the new book focusing star wars classic costumes and hope to get some more information.

I just hope they don't neglect the scout as they did in other publications (aka star Wars Illustrated and the Tricia beggar Book with focus on prequel stuff) with rare details and badly lightened pictures.

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Shorten the bund? I don't understand.

Today most bunds goes from the chest armor straps to the bottom of the belt. Gino's pics shows it as ending on top of the belt, basically down to the bottom of the pouches.

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