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There is an office: The Armorer.

This person of the staff can be the first to address with questions how to start and what to take care of.


And the others can help you too :).

But the idea is nice indeed. In oir garrison forums we have a thread with people who volunteer to help new recruits on a more local base.


I myself started out with extensive research for myself and looked through the boards which persons could be helpful to achieve the level I was trying to achieve. I monitored the forums and how competent their posts had been and how close they got to the original with their own gear.

Of course this requires some knowledge about the costume to recognize who is talking trash and who isn't.

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Everyone pretty much lends an ear, and eye, etc when it comes to builds. You post pics and we let you know what to fix, or if it's all good. An actual local mentor would be the best, but let's face it, not everyone knows this costume, and you may have no one local that can steer you in the proper direction in keeping with the current CRL. Anything you need to know, just ask, but all the answers are here, and we encourage you to do your own research.

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Yup armourers are officially in the roll. But as a close detachment we all help each other, fire the questions and you will get answers.


As Jim said don't be shy, it's better to ask questions than make mistakes ;)

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