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Has anyone ever thought about what the "ribs" were made from on the scout pistol? I mean, i know its a completely fabricated blaster and may very well have been machined metal or wood spun on a lathe, but when i was a kid, my grandfather had tons of these little rubber washers. they are made for faucets, and i always trhouyght that the ribs on the scout pitol looked like these washers, probably drilled out to fit on a certain diameter tube and then put on the blaste ror cast and put on the blaster.


Just a thought i had. Heres what some look like. the come in different bevels and even flat.



What are your thoughts on this one?


Ok so since these things are pretty cheap, i went ahead and bought an assorted pack of what they call "bibb washers". I got them in today and i am convinced that if they didnt just machine those parts, that this is what they used. Espeically concidering the fact that they used plumbing & electrical parts for lots of the props.




these are the 1/2" size



2 together



and one being held to the back of a hyperfirm blaster.



I dunno...i think this is it, and if not....well. its what i'll be using to upgrade the ribbing on my blaster kit in the future because i think they work near perfect. I can just take a mold of a couple and drill them out larger in the center.

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Thanks Jim...its been urkin me for a while, but i never had reason to go looking for them. It was always in the back of my mind, every time i saw a scout pistol "looks like those rubber washers grandpa had" lol

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  • 6 months later...

me too! I have no idea if its "correct", but it definitely worked when i made my blaster, and its one of the few things that size and shape ive seen :)

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