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Screen accurate paper mache Biker Scout helmet (and no I am not crazy)

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You read it right! I will be using mostly these materials until the final stages of the build. I do need some assistance on the appropriate dimensions of the original helmet, however. PLEASE give me any advice or pointers on how i could improve this or do it differently as this is my first serious prop build. I feel determined to complete this and have it look as close to the original as humanly or alienly as possibe! Please no harsh comments unless it's constructive criticism.


P.S. I will also not stop until this gets 501st approved! :dancing-trooper::bikerscout:

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You can tout that it's screen accurate AND made out of paper mache, as it would need to be made out of vac formed plastic. Use a 3rd party site like photobucket or flikr for your pics.

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You can tout that it's screen accurate AND made out of paper mache, as it would need to be made out of vac formed plastic. Use a 3rd party site like photobucket or flikr for your pics.


Oh ok thanks! I will make an account real quick. I meant to say that it will look as screen accurate as possible in terms of the correct shape and size and form. I would make plaster moulds but I cannot afford a vacuum former sadly.

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