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CT5314's (MikeT's) TB Build

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Hey Gang. Thought I'd do a thread for my TB build. Last time I built TB was for my wife. I still have a lot to do on my KST but hey why not bite off more than I can chew. Here's the mandatory pile of stuff shot:


I had to make some pouches for friends yesterday so I made a set for myself and cut fabric for a few spares since I overbought at the fabric store.



More to come soon, though this costume isn't a priority, have kids TK and clone repairs to do before the end of August.

Hope you enjoy the build.


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Wow you are one industrious dude! :icon_bow:

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Yeah, Mike always seems to have a ton of stuff on his plate, ha!


Good to see you joining the true elite troopers. Y'know, the guys and gals who actually hit what they're aiming for (not including trees). :P

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  • 1 month later...

So Im going to try to finish my scout and my KST before winter. Here we go. Im gonna start with my boots. I was really lucky to find some inter sierra hikers...not quite the original boot but soooo close, like 1 model away. The important part is the sole has a really accurate alternating narrow-wide tread, and the profile of the toe is just like the screen used even though its not rubber covered. Im going to mark them and get the details cut out. The rubber is really hard, probably from age. Wish me luck


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Got some work done today. Good way to get clean cuts is to slide the chisel blade right under the little dividing bit to the top line. Also mark the back of the xacto blade w black marker to get the depths at least close to the same... ish. 1st heel just need a bit of cleanup with a scalpel.



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  • 5 months later...

Update time. Coveralls almost done- just have to cut the riding patches and sew. Now Im making the boot-tops and filling in the hole where the blinking LED used to be. I shaped the biceps, now I just have to heat em and bend them a bit and cut a new slot for the elastic and attach the greebs. Also it looks like I have to hand sew the gauntlets back up where Ive removed the zipper. Hopefully another update soon.


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Remade the pattern for the stiffener which was more difficult than I remember. Oh well turned out ok. Now to cover with vinyl and make my dogbones.


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Thanks Guys. Chex- I heavily referenced the MoM pics for the shoes. The tops of the MoM boots are quite lumpy- what i didn't consider was that theres no foot in that boot to stretch it out. Oh well. Im hoping these still end up very accurate. Heres a progress shot. I added Velcro into the new boot tops (had to redo them cause the pattern wasn't quite right). The Velcro should help everything stay where it belongs. I actually have a small pile of done things now.


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Almost done. At this point I have a few paint details, some decals, helmet lens and padding, bund and vest and done. I took a few wip shots and a "progress pile" shot.




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Thanks Brother. Did some paint touch ups when I got home from work this morning. Not really happy with how the bucket paint came out but Itll do cause I have to move on. Just some more touch ups and a bit of sewing to do. This project will be in the bin by the end of next week so I can finish my KST before Ottawa comicon in May.

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OK so I finished the suit and built the vest tonight...and I didn't get a shift tonight so Ill do the cumberbund too. Here is the suit and the vest:


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Took me all night because I screwed one up and had to restart half way through. Guess ill cut that one up and make a v2 for my wife TB11877. so here is the one that turned out ok:


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All I have to do now is put some helmet bolts in, install a fan, paint one red stripe on the tank greeb and sew my shoulder bridges.

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Installed a hard hat liner in the bucket, put the supplied bolts on the bench grinder to reduce their profile and ground down the 3m bolts to the point where they are basically just disks.



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Black material cones cut and sewn, visor installed, then black material cones installed into the ear slots instead of black mesh:





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Thanks Francisco, and thanks to everyone who followed my WIP and to the awesome scouts in my garrison who were my inspiration for the build. And thanks to all my 501st brothers and sisters who make this hobby the best there is. Here is the completed shot. Im done! this build is in its bin.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks great! Add the knee rivets and go for Lancer!

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