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Chunk's Boot Build

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Bought Brahma Boots at Walmart, $29.99. These boots are super lite! Marked & cut out the lug soles. Bought 1yd of white vinyl, E-600 & push pins. Will post progress pics as I go along.



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Think in the planning stages about how the weight of the blaster is gonna affect the right boot. I wish I'd doubled up the vinyl on my first build. I'm hoping this weblon/eisenglass combo will work on my new ones.

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I have a solid resin blaster and i used Jo annes Marine vinyl. I put an elastic band with velcro to wrap around my calf at the top of the boot behind the holster and it works pretty well. I have not trooped it other than walking around my neighborhood, but no issues. my boot is a size 9 and i have sc holster for what its worth.

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The boots I use now have 2 plastic strips on the inside to support the holster. I dont have an issue with boot sag. Will make the new boots exactly like the old.

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Following the boot tutorial here. Here are some progress pics. First pining before strech, Sitting in a hot car & final strech with pins moved to "top". I left my boots in a hot car for 40min before the 1st streching, & about 40min to over an hour for the rest. Streched & repined for a total of 3x, & the forth moving the pins to the top now to help get a close snug fit.







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Here's a lil FYI.

I looked & looked but there was nothing on what shape of vinyl to use on the toe cap. I took a normal piece of blank computer paper & test fitted it. Was plenty hanging over on all sides, so this is what I went with. I just traced the paper onto my vinyl & cut. Using the boot tutorial here I used the pics as a guide as to wear to place the vinyl. I had a few wrinkles before the 1st placing in the car. But as time went on & the vinyl became more plyable the wrinkles were smoothed out as you can see from the last picture.


I chose the Brahma Boot because it was super lite. Almost as lite as my running shoe. But for some reason these boots only come in wide widths. I normally wear a 10, but I chose a 9 1/2 in these & they fit fine.

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Question :


On the 'dogbone" is glue applied to the entire underside of the dogbone or just the ends? When I say ends I mean the ball end where the 2 stich lines go? I did not make my previous boots but they are only glued on the ends. This alows the boot to flex without any pull on the toe cap & shaft.

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I'd wait on the strip cuz you'll use that to cover some slippage when you do the riveting. Both E6000 and vinyl have a lot of give in them and can move a bit while you're working. The strip covers any imperfections.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm almost done with my 2nd boot build, using these same base boots because the ones I got at walmart last year aren't there any more. Does the command staff see a problem with the 2 color sole?

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I'm almost done with my 2nd boot build, using these same base boots because the ones I got at walmart last year aren't there any more. Does the command staff see a problem with the 2 color sole?


I will paint the sole one color with acrylic paint from Walmart. I found it in the arts & craft section for only

.50 :)

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Paint holds up fine. I marched around in another pair where I painted the sole for about 4hrs. No craks or flaking of any kind. I just used cheap art acrylic paint from Walmart. Wanna say I paid under a dollar a bottle. Didn't even use 1/4 bottle for both boots. I bought some of the paint in different colors last week & they had it clearanced for .50 a bottle.

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Great wip. These are the same one I used to make my boots. I took the laces out and removed the metal lace things. Very comfy boots. I can wear em for hours. I don't have a blaster yet and my holster causes the boot to say some. I should have used a better vinyl but i enjoyed make the boots so much that next time ill do better.


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I wish I could have found the base boots from my first build. They have a steel toe and single color sole. I feel like the others are more comfortable, too. Same price at Walmart a year and a half ago. I'll probably consider the ones I just completed with this base-boot temporary and rip up the old ones to start again in a month or two.


I have too many works in progress, but i did take pictures as I built mine and plan to post a build thread when I can slow down. I did a couple of things differently.

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  • 6 months later...

I just bought a pair of these Brahma boots for my boot build, I've got the white marine vinyl, thread, the thumb tacks, and the E-6000 and will be using THE tutorial and hopefully have a half decent pair of boots.

NegativeEleven are you the same person with that name over on the MMCC?

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