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MusicalJedi's SC build

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Got my straps attached to the knees. Hand sewed the Velcro onto the elastic and riveted the top portion. Do any of the rivets need to be painted white?





Also, picked up a storage box for my armor at Walmart today.



Hoping to sew some more straps this weekend. Getting close to early August, which is when KS said my helmet would arrive.

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Don't paint the rivets on the knees or the tank. Not sure about the ones one the belt. Hang onto your reciept for your armor case....I had to return my first one to Wal-mart because it turned out to be too small for all my gear!

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Started getting the straps cut today for the thigh boxes. No pics yet, but hope to have more done tomorrow.


Also moved around some of my Biker Scout collectibles in my Star Wars collection and thought I'd share.





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Hey, looks good so far!


I got my tub from a local hardware store:



Has all the space I need plus a separate section for smaller items like your speaker set and gloves. Plus wheels... and a pull out handle. Jazz it up with scout stickers and you've got a mean tub, trooper.


I agree with Enigma... don't paint the knee rivets.


PS. I'm glad there's other troopers out there hand sewing! If you're like me, you'll want to stock plenty of band-aids... and make sure nobody’s around when you accidentally let slip a few choice curse words while working.

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PS. I'm glad there's other troopers out there hand sewing! If you're like me, you'll want to stock plenty of band-aids... and make sure nobody’s around when you accidentally let slip a few choice curse words while working.


They sell Thimbles pretty cheap and can help with that a little. :D

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Thanks! The boots are from MXPXRobbie in the trade forum, and I'm very happy with them. GOing to look around for some other foot lockers before I settle on the one I purchased. Not liking the durability of it, so will likely upgrade.


I actually have really enjoyed the hand sewing. It's not pretty, but has been something to calm me down at night at my kitchen table while watching TV. My stitching leaves a lot to be desired, but it should be functional, which is all I'm concerned with. Just have to sew the T-straps, shoulder straps, side straps for the chest/back, and a few things on the belt.

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Got my drop boxes attached. The straps are functional and I've left enough webbing on them to fine tune the length once I get my soft goods.



Also got my t-straps and bridge covers attached. Not thrilled with the bridge covers but have plenty of material to give it another go.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Painting the snout was the biggest pain. I had to do a lot of scraping and sanding!

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Looking good! For painting the snout area you seek 1/8" vinyl automotive or artist pin-striping tape. It'll do straight lines and curves like magic. Thentape around it with regular painter's tape.

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Guest TKAQUA1969

This is looking fabulous! I get so intimidated…..I still haven't ordered a thing…(my husband just said me "why not build a working lightsaber while you're at it? Looks difficult. " It does. I'm impressed by all of you. You're talented.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is looking fabulous! I get so intimidated…..I still haven't ordered a thing…(my husband just said me "why not build a working lightsaber while you're at it? Looks difficult. " It does. I'm impressed by all of you. You're talented.


Thanks a lot....couldn't have done it without all the tutorials/advice on the forum. Just got word that my soft goods shipped on Saturday, so should...."fingers crossed" be able to suit up for Halloween. Would love to attend the 501st party at Celebration Anaheim, but am not hopeful that I will be approved in time to get tickets, if they are even still left.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest TKAQUA1969

Hi! I have to post pics. I got my SC armor/bucket and have begun the intimidating task of putting it together!!!! I think i need to post what I've done so far. Your uni looks fab! Good luck with the soft parts too! I need to order that and the black suit. TTYL!!! Hope you make it to Anaheim! MAY THE force be with you!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely post some pics! Still waiting on my soft goods. Great communication with the seller but still haven't arrived and the EMS number doesn't work yet. Anyone have a package sent and the tracking info stays inactive for over a week? Thinking it's just still going through customs but am starting to get nervous.

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Definitely post some pics! Still waiting on my soft goods. Great communication with the seller but still haven't arrived and the EMS number doesn't work yet. Anyone have a package sent and the tracking info stays inactive for over a week? Thinking it's just still going through customs but am starting to get nervous.


Did you get it from cucblack? Yeah it takes awhile. Patience, padawan. It will come.

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