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eFx scout helmet preorders ready july 8

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I think in the end, that's what confuses me the most. If it's meant to be the most accurate possible collector's piece....why not in ABS? If it's in fiberglass for durability while wearing in a costume....why all the talk of it being a collector's piece?

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I think in the end, that's what confuses me the most. If it's meant to be the most accurate possible collector's piece....why not in ABS? If it's in fiberglass for durability while wearing in a costume....why all the talk of it being a collector's piece?


Because of this: copied and pasted from other thread


ABS is just out of the question for mass production.

Having a factory try to replicate the difficult process of joining, filling, sanding/blending the halves together would be VERY time consuming with inconsistent results which translates into costing a lot more to produce, not to mention significantly more vulnerable to damage. It would be a quality control nightmare.

For one example, collectors would be wanting replacements at the first sign of a paint crack (which could easily be caused with just a bit of flexing the helmet) where all the halves are joined. All it takes is once slight squeeze or spreading open when trying to get your big melon head in it and boom, paint crack.

Most of the originals show paint cracking in the seams and if we made them in the exact same manner we'd have the same high risk.

It's fine for a film prop where it won't show up on screen, but not okay for a high priced collectible. As a prop collectible company, you have to take those kinds of things into consideration.

And it's a different world when managing the production of a 1000 pieces vs making a few out of your garage.


And yes, in case there was any uncertainty, all the original scout helmets are painted white and not bare ABS.


For the efx prototypes, we used the original production molds for everything except for the faceplate, chin cup, and eye lens.

For those pieces, we took molds from the interior of a screen-used helmet.

All these molds were vac-formed and assembled into a 1st gen helmet of the production molds, and then molded from the outside to produce fiberglass pieces.

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Gino, I respect the craft and I appreciate the time and energy you guys have put into this... I wish I could have one. Once again, Thanks for sharing, and I appreciate your loyalty to your line of collectibles.


If you guys ever choose to produce an affordable prop helmet that is useable for trooping - Made of ABS with no warranty of paint defects, or even a kit, please consider me interested.


I'm excited to see what you have planned in the future. I'm just afraid for now, I will have to admire from afar.

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Gino, I respect the craft and I appreciate the time and energy you guys have put into this... I wish I could have one. Once again, Thanks for sharing, and I appreciate your loyalty to your line of collectibles.


If you guys ever choose to produce an affordable prop helmet that is useable for trooping - Made of ABS with no warranty of paint defects, or even a kit, please consider me interested.


I'm excited to see what you have planned in the future. I'm just afraid for now, I will have to admire from afar.


Yup. My issue is more with it being fiberglass rather than the price. If it were ABS and that same price point...made from the original moulds....I have to admit I would at least check and see if I have any organs I could sell. I just find the fiberglass helmets a little too heavy to troop around in for long periods of time and way too fragile. You drop that puppy on the sidewalk and bye bye $700.


Clearly this a collector's item meant for display purposes. The problem is that I am not a collector. I'm looking for something to troop in.

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I found the MLC to be heavy enough that I would not want to wear it for hours. The KS helmet I have now is nice and light.


The MLC is also not $700

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I've dropped my abs bucket down a flight of stairs by accident, not a scratch. It was probably like 15 stairs.man abs can take a beating and that's why I prefer it to fiberglass. Like Mickey said, I'm looking at something to troop in and I like to wear it for extended periods of times and I've worn fiberglass buckets and they're heavy and uncomfortable. Its a beautiful piece don't get me wrong, I would love to have one but it being fiberglass and the price are not in my taste. But then again I'm not a "collector" so I guess this isn't the product for me. Its just so hard letting a helmet made from the screen molds pass by like this. I'll definitely try to pick one up on eBay once these things drop in price, that is if they do, because currently $700 is way too much for a helmet that will without a doubt get banged up and scratched.

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The CB helmet is GRP and it's light as hell, just about as light as my KS. I don't mind that the eFx was produces this way. Would I prefer the lineage that this will have was produced from the exact materials in the exact way..hell yes. But it doesn't deter the fact that this is meant to be a collectible. Could you troop in it, sure. Would you, probably not. If I could afford one, it would go up on a shelf and stay there.


Chef is right though. Despite the price being out of most of our range, people WILL by it. It's a thing of beauty. But so is the LW helmet. The build of that has been well documented here on BS.N, so you can see what was gone through to get that as close as one can without having an actual screen used bucket to go off of.


I appreciate you all keeping this a civil conversation. This is def not a place for bashing anything or anyone. Discuss constructively and keep the negative to a minimum please, like you all have been. Gino, I would love to hang and talk scout all day with you, or anyone for that matter..sadly, SDCC just isn't as appealing as it used to be to me lol. I'd rather have fun at D*C and save up for Anaheim next year.

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Aw man, l really hope some of you guys can make it out to SDCC.

It's cool because I'm able to share so much more privately in person than publicly.

And there is lots to share. ;)

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I'd rather have fun at D*C and save up for Anaheim next year.


I will see you there, dude!

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I wouldn't mind the price if I had the time to save up for it. It too k me 5 years to finance my current scout costume which cost like 2.500 € not counting stuff I bought for trial issues. I payed like 350 € to obtain those Sierra boots and 150€ for original Esprit gloves. When I have money I'm more than happy to invest it in case it is worth that for me.

I know some stuff has a price but this limitied runs and short time frames are the biggest problem for me. So far I could handle everything with patience and discipline in saving funds for my projects or having some cash in a lucky moment but in this case I can't do anything. People who know me everything scout and everything spot on is holy to me.


I know "limited" may be a business manouver to hype sales, makig it a rare and extraordinary product and to have license fees only for a short time but since collecting of props today isn't just a hobby of an elite clique we have the class system kicking in....


That is what disappoints me the most.



PS: Would love to see one in person as well. Guess I have to wait if someone in our garrison is lucky enough to get one.

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One advantage of the efx helmet , which I think looks nice, is you can actually buy one unlike the LW helmet it is being compared to which doesn't seem to be available. I like the ears better than my SC one.

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Sorry, man! I was referring to Chex and Celebration next year, not SDCC

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One advantage of the efx helmet , which I think looks nice, is you can actually buy one unlike the LW helmet it is being compared to which doesn't seem to be available.


i would agree with that statement, if you can afford one....

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Helmet looks great. And if is made from original helmet, absolutely fantastic.


Considering it is made from original Helmet, license fees, development, production costs, staff costs and have a benefit or utility. The price is reasonable.

Unfortunately only available for a segment of people that can pay this amount.


If I could get one, I never think use it for troop, only for display.

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The thing that kind of astounds me is that so many people are saying this has kind of been "sprung"on them.

This helmet has been in development for quite a while so people have had plenty of time to save if they really wanted one.


Christian hit the nail on the head, people seem to forget that eFx has overheads to meet, it's not a small backyard company.

License fees for LFL alone are astronomical, they charge like wounded bulls for the right to use their copyrighted stuff.

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The thing that kind of astounds me is that so many people are saying this has kind of been "sprung"on them.

This helmet has been in development for quite a while so people have had plenty of time to save if they really wanted one.


Christian hit the nail on the head, people seem to forget that eFx has overheads to meet, it's not a small backyard company.

License fees for LFL alone are astronomical, they charge like wounded bulls for the right to use their copyrighted stuff.


Well yeah.... but it's not like we're under some obligation to buy it just because we're perceived to be the target audience. And if we are the target audience, then it's up to eFx to find a way to make it affordable to that target audience. That's just good business. It's like when Sony first released the Playstation 3 for way too much money. The target audience passed on it until they lowered the price. Folks have a struggle scraping together enough dough to complete their scout, much less buy a collectible helmet that's not really meant for trooping.


There are definitely people out there with enough disposable cash to buy these things. Let them have at it, I say. The reaction I'm seeing here is more of the "okay this isn't really for trooping" variety.

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Well if we made compromises to bring it down to such a low price point then that would be a low end helmet and that isn't the kind of product that we are trying to make.


Here's a shot of Trevor wearing the weathered Legend at NYCC this past Oct. from the other thread.

For me seeing it on a person just drives home how important using original molds is regarding the correct look.

Just awesome. Looks straight out of the movie.







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It's a great looking lid. I'm sure it will find many happy homes

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