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Finished Scout

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I don't post much on the boards but have found them brilliant for information. So thanks to all the staff who run this site and members who contribute lots. Here is my finished MC scout, when I say finished I haven't got my flak vest done yet.97836E6A-F76C-498C-A596-CC8E4EBA2276_zpskgi1qyjk.jpgF390B5FC-E5A2-4B16-967F-0B026B74D718_zpsfeimibyd.jpg10407198_10204020021491027_7324089821488720426_n1_zpsef17762a.jpg

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That is one good looking scout! Well done, sir!

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Like I said I cant thank everyone enough on the site here, all the info needed is here if you site down and search it out. I will be doing the flak vest in the next few weeks, I was getting it ready for a comic con and run out of time to finish the vest.

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