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The Hyperfirm Saga - Episode II : Slavefive strikes back!

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Some of you may or may not have seen the previous thread on problems with Hyperfirm.


Just for reference, it is located here : http://forum.bikersc...showtopic=11938




I am proud to say that I have contacted Lewis, and was able to pay and was shipped a DLT with no problems. Great customer service, and delivery to my home via Fed Ex.


As noted in the previous file, Lewis is a good guy. He's gone above and beyond to make things right from the previous problem that Thing/Karl had. And Lewis was also willing to come out of what I took as his retirement from casting these, to make one for me.


So, once again, I'm pleased to say that I have a DLT in hand, made by Lewis under the Hyperfirm banner.


If ANYONE had any doubts on Lewis, I suggest thinking twice. He continues to be a good, upstanding member of our community as well as the Star Wars costuming community as well.


I just wanted to make sure that Lewis was provided positive feedback for this transaction. And this post was made with his blessing to speak about my DLT.




Thanks for reading, and once again, I encourage you to purchase from Lewis / Slavefive if you're looking for Hyperfirm. He will not waste your time.





Thanks again, Lewis. I know I've said it about 15 times already, But I really appreciate it, buddy. Thanks for being one of us.

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My apologies. I guess I misunderstood. I guess I thought that all Hyperfirms were made by Sci-Fire.


In this case, I now have a rifle with SciFire branding from Lewis. I did not go through John, as noted from the previous thread.


Thanks for the info, Jim! :)

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I'm so jelly you could spread me on a sammich. I need a rifle, dangit....or just a pair of binocs so I can play spotter.


I have some binocs that I'm planning to fix up and use as well with my gear when I get to start using the rifle.


And... I'll agree. You do need a rifle. ONE OF US, ONE OF US....

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  • 2 weeks later...

David, I'll send you a PM when I get home.


I'll repeat again here, though... I'd suggest you go through Lewis on a DLT. Do not contact John. You'll be better off in the long run.


Not trying to be rude, but any chance on getting the info for getting one of these? I just want to be as cool as the other people with one. B) (I don't know who Lewis is....)

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