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Quick question

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I'm looking through the Star Wars visual dictionary and I noticed under the stormtrooper section the Blastech DLT-20A rifle. I was curious if a scout could ever have one of these. I know the only weapon on the CRL is the blaster pistol, but would I get weird looks for carrying one of these with my scout? I originally planned on making the DC-15x, and thougt this would be easier seeing as there's more reference pictures.

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Currently the blaster pistol is the only scout weapon that is cannon. Some scouts do have permission from their GML to carry the DC-15x. Bottom line is that it is something you will need to discuss with your GML to get authorization for cannon events.

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Bottom line is that it is something you will need to discuss with your GML to get authorization for cannon events.



This is not quite correct (don´t know, how your GML-team is though) - I´ve talked with my GML team regarding the issue of letting me carry my DC-15X sniper rifle, and when it´s Canon, the only weapon we may carry will be the Hold-out blaster, since it´s the only one in the CRL.


At Semi Canon events it´s the EC that you will need to get an accept from - not all are allowing other weapons though. And at Non Canon you can more or less use everything ;)

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