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Review of the NI Scout Trooper Helmet V2

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Hi guys,


Really nice lid. I'm in the market for one at the moment. I've ordered the armour and I'm really undecided on the bucket. Could someone please PM me details on this? Would it colour-match with MC gear?


Look forward to the review and comparison.


Thanks guys.

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Interesting. Just to play the Devil's Advocate, here's a few of my nit-picky things (please don't take these personally - the helmet isn't terrible at all, but there's a few spots that stick out to me.)


The snout piece shouldn't have the two small holes drilled out, the nose and the hook decals don't quite look right (arc is too thick at the ends, hook looks a bit stretched horizontally), the snout plate seems a bit too long, and the edge of the visor where it meets the helmet doesn't seem to line up very flush (could just be how it's sitting on the stand).


Overall, it doesn't seem too bad, but for the price, it's a lot. Let us know how it troops!

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