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In process imput welcome

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Hi folks I've been busy in the the last two months putting this kit together for my wife. These pictures were taken after I finished sewing the bund and adding the riding patch which you cant really see due to lighting . I know the shoulders need to be trimmed and I'm waiting till I finish the vest to properly size them, further the thigh boxes need to be leveled out and Im also in need of advise as to how low they should be . Other than that what do your trained eyes see that need to be addressed ?

Thank You









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Well, you have most of the parts and pieces. The biggest problem is the fit. This one needs soome modifications to fit the body size and frame. You'll need smaller pouches as these are way too big. The boots are also too large around the leg and will require modification. For the belt, raise the boxes quite a bit (should be about 1.5" from the belt) and flip that TD greeblie. ;)

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Agreed with Jim and his points.


You could also trim a bit more from the top straps of the shoulder/back armour to help the fit.


Ideally, the bottom of the hip boxes shouldn't go much lower than the bottom of the cod piece.


I noticed you threaded the webbing for the hip boxes through the buckles. That's cool, but be sure that it's the same for every buckle. To do that, you'll probably have to undo where the webbing connects at the back of the belt. When you reconnect the webbing, you could reattach it closer to the middle of the back (if that makes sense).


Otherwise, good work.

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Trim the shoulders down, and/or round off the bottom edges. Rank strips need to come off the boot holster. And it does look a bit bigger than the body it is on. You may want to adjust for size as suggested above.

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