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SC armor building materials

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So i finally got my SC armor.


I want to start on it ASAP but I would like to have all my materials beforehand.


Outside of what already comes with the kit, and the dremel I own what else do I need?


Ill be going to the hardware store this weekend and would like to be prepared.


I see a lot of people prefer E6000, is this a gel like glue? or more like a liquid like super glue?


Hot glue gun?


riveter, what size rivets?



As always, any and all help is appreciated!

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I used 3mm rivets. also, you may want to pick up some washers. For added support, use washers on both sides of what you are riveting in hidden areas.


I also used superglue in some parts, and ABS apoxy for some...


Sandpaper - both rough and fine grain.


LOTS of velcro - White and black from wal-mart. I bought at least 10 boxes total... 5 white, 5 black industrial strength.


I also suggest meeting up with someone local and taking a good, long look at their armor. Brainstorm and talk out what worked for them, and what didn't. It's a learning process for everyone. So, don't be afraid to go your own route... Just make sure you know what you are doing, and what has worked for others in case of an emergency.

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Done. You'll definitely need some tools and supplies. The SC kit comes with most of the Velcro required and I think he's even including cotton webbing. If not, you'll need to get that for the drop boxes. E6000 is an adhesive glue commonly used on armor builds. It takes time to cure (like 24 hours for a good bond), and can be separated later on without a mess. IT IS NOT SUPER GLUE.

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Pretty much what's been said. For rivets you'll want 3mm by 3mm (1/8") aluminum, and matching washers; I found both at Lowe's, though I got my riveter at Home Depot. 1/8" diameter by 1/4" long was useful for one or two spots where I had to go through multiple layers of fabric and plastic. You'll need a matching drill bit...and drill, obviously. E6000 worked great for me..can be found at craft stores (Hobby Lobby, Michael's, Hancock Fabrics). Sturdy scissors/shears to trim edges and round corners. A few clamps to hold things in place, both while adhesive sets, and while drilling or testing fit before riveting things in.


I ended up using some more elastic, velcro, and fabric than what was provided, but some of it was because I'm a big guy. 6'3" and 230 lbs. So I needed more than what was provided in places. I also used some extra to fix issues I specifically had, such as fixing my belt sagging down by adding patches to hold it to the front and back of my bund. You'll need something to make the cloth loops that bridge the gap over the shoulders between chest and back...I got someone who sews to make mine out of white canvas, and glued the ends in place with E6000.


I managed to make mine without a dremel/rotary tool, but there were definitely times I wished I had one. Picked it up since.

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I recommend a dremel and a palm sander. SC Armor comes with everything, at least in my case I had enough webbing left over to do my shoulder bridge covers.


E6000 everywhere. Seriously, once it starts flowing out of the tube, it doesn't stop. Be your arse careful.

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I used 3mm rivets. also, you may want to pick up some washers. For added support, use washers on both sides of what you are riveting in hidden areas.



I also suggest meeting up with someone local and taking a good, long look at their armor. Brainstorm and talk out what worked for them, and what didn't. It's a learning process for everyone. So, don't be afraid to go your own route... Just make sure you know what you are doing, and what has worked for others in case of an emergency.


That's my biggest problem, I'm the first scout in my area. I have a guy helping me but it's a new kind of build for him.

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Yes, Listen to Chex you should. PandaTrooper inspired quite a bit on my build... But I'm nowhere even close to being on his skill level.


I'm lucky if I get a snap-together model together, in all honesty...


But anything any of us can help with, You don't have to beg. Just throw a note up and ask. Or, send someone a PM. Feel free to throw me a few, if you want. I am by no means an expert, But I can and will try to help you any way I can.


I mean... Seeing as how we're both tied to Cybertron. Might'as well stick together. Right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ordered strips of it from trooperbay and they where shipped safely and promptly. I was in a Hobby Town USA store the other day and they had sheets of Styrene for sale for like $7 in various thicknesses. I don't know if there would be an issue with that being up against ABS plastic though but have seen it used in other costumes.

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Well I may have been wrong. I thought that I had 1.5 inch elastic in my kit but when compared to my 1.5 in Velcro the Velcro is wider. My elastic is actually 1 5/16 inches wide. Close enough for me. I'm using it.

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thanks again everyone for the help. I am moving right along and have my final piece, the soft parts, on order from CB.


my only issue is the sewing parts, i can use a sewing machine, i sewed banners all day at my last job, i can also hand sew pretty good but its a huge pain. I've considered getting a sewing machine from Amazon ($80 i believe) but if i can avoid the extra cost i will. I've asked around and no one can help me with one.


so what i want to know is, can i get away with gluing instead of sewing?? how many of you have done this?

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I ordered strips of it from trooperbay and they where shipped safely and promptly. I was in a Hobby Town USA store the other day and they had sheets of Styrene for sale for like $7 in various thicknesses. I don't know if there would be an issue with that being up against ABS plastic though but have seen it used in other costumes.

I found the polystyrene to be much cheaper and more available in my area. E6000 held it perfectly to my ABS. I also know from previous experience that a .20 cent electrical outlet box cut into strips will also stick to abs with e6000.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've run into a issue. I've been attempting to sort all the strap and Velcro strips into which part of the build they belong to. And according to the instructions I am to use 1.5" black elastic for all the arm and knee armor parts of which the kit included 73". But the cuts for those parts that the elastic will go through is just 1". A 18" piece of black elastic was included but not mentioned in instructions. To me it seems I should be using the 1" black elastic. Can anyone else tell me what's going on here? Lol

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The knee requires a 1 inch and another .5 inch riveted on the top.


1" for the firearms as well


The SC kit and instructions are great! Some of those details were outdated though. I had to buy more 1 inch elastic and a pair of suspenders from ebay for the upper arm elastic. The were .99 on ebay.

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