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KS Snout Painting

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Hi guys,


finally getting around to doing my upgrades on my suit since getting accepted into 501st. One of the first things I wanted to tackle was upgrading my KS bucket. I replaced the bucket bolts and now going to paint the snout and replace the snout pieces.


The snout ridge on my bucket is not even so doing the tape masking has been a pain. I tried my best to eye and can you give me some feedback? Go in more, go out more? good to go? I'd like to make sure everything is in order before I start to prime / paint the actual bucket.





here it is so far:



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I know it's difficult, especially on the rounded top part. I would bring it in a tad or you'll end up with too much black on the snout.


difficult is an understatement LOL. I don't know if its my helmet but it just seems like the snout is lop sided. If I try to do like how the snout "looks" like it should go, it ends up completly crooked.


Thanks for the suggestion. ill pull it in a tad and post back. Thanks Griffin-X

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That looks much better, nice job.


now its time to use the shot glasses! haha. Well, I still have to actually paint it! Grif, did you sand the area first before you primed and painted it or just slapped it right on the ABS?

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now its time to use the shot glasses! haha. Well, I still have to actually paint it! Grif, did you sand the area first before you primed and painted it or just slapped it right on the ABS?


I just hit it with satin black directly. Just make sure the rest of the helmet face is well masked off! :)

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something I learned with mine, dont let the tape sit too long before you paint it, it starts to lose it's tackiness and comes away from the helmet........ask me how I know...


how long would you consider long???

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I left mine on for about 3 days or so, because I taped it and then set it aside and couldnt get back to it soon enough.


Also, it might help if you spray on a coat of gloss white to seal the edges before hitting it with the black to minimize run under....

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Alright after nightmares, a close heart attack, and more tornado of emotions. I think I got it or at least the best I can do for my helmet. It still looks a ton of a lot better than the default KS build.


KS helmet - Before





Masking down the helmet like Fort Knox




Painted with Satin Black




Slight heart attack when the masking tape lifted up due to heat and the paint flared through!




Like a surgeon, I carefully used 800 grit sanding paper and went around the edges where it flared




Put back together



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