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Yes, another one, I am about to paint my helmets snout, the actual helmet not the greblie/aerator. I did a search and I didnt really find a definitive answer, I checked, screen used prop photos, screen grabs, and fan made builds and I still am unclear on this, so here is the question.....


On the helmet, the snout is a satin black, okay no problem, but, do I mask it off so there is no black on the sides of the snout, you know the flat part that extends out ward, or do I just paint a little of the area outside the arc for the greeblie?


Because this area is black it's very hard to tell in photos, but I think I've seen them painted both ways, so for screen accuracy do I make it look like my trooper put the black lipstick on a little wild and went "out side the lines" or do I keep it sharp and neat with no overages?


Use painter's tape and it off. It should be painted to about half way between the two edges. Be careful on your masking so that it is perfectly round on the top.


Take your time and do it right the first time. It doesn't hurt to redo the tape until it looks right. Much easier than having to remove black paint. The tape WILL bend slightly so you can "wrap" it around the top. As I said, just go slow.


I used flat black on mine. Remember to leave the inside unpainted so you can attach the snout.


Okay, good because thats what I did and I was hoping not to have to re-do it, but I do see I need to straighten up the sides just a tad




Some use flat, I used satin. I've seen both and I like the satin look, myself.

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