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Scout Armour build advice


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Well the major problem is the Biker Scout armour is built for someone who was/is 5'10 to 6' and the wife Supafem bless her is 5'4" icon_e_confused.gif


The armour parts I have is SC so its very crisp with nice sharp lines, so unlike TK armour its virtually impossible to cut down without loosing the nice detail.


Ive started putting the parts for Jacquies armour together so that she can become 501st as soon as possible, my concern however is the whole costume is going to look very busy, if that makes sense ......................


Here are a couple of pictures so far ...... but ive stopped for now as panic mode is setting in for the above reasons






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Yeah I think, bring in the top and sides of the chest like Marcel said. I'd also look at taking the legs in a little since they're kinda baggy. Doesn't look terrible at all. Get some helmet pads in the helmet to keep it from bobble heading. You'll probably need an extra set to fill it up. Is that an MLC bucket?

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Thanks Guys

the helmet is actually a Lone wolf helmet, I obviously needs painting ad decals yet


That's what I had thought. I can see a faint hint of the seam in the back of the lid. Looks really nice though...

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  • 3 weeks later...

well guys I think ive cracked Jacquies armour, not cracked as in broken lol but almost finished it apart from minor details like making sure the knees are the right way up :lol:

however it looks so much better on her now

I have had to heavily trim it as Jacquie is so much smaller than what the armour is built for.

Im still concerned about the hip pouches but im at a loss as to what else I can do as these too have been slightly modified

just the helmet to get done and then we can submit her for clearance hopefully, and then I need to crack on a get mine finished











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It's never easy trying to get a large suit to fit the smaller frame.


The armour parts have gone together quite nicely. (knees...)

Talking of knees... Consider putting on the 2nd upper strap... and the right way up!


Your pouches are probably a bit on the big side. They should fit between the bottom of the chest plate and the top of the belt. It's not a major issue. But one to be aware of.

Also make sure they sit level and in line with the ribbing of your cummerbund.


I can't quite see how many ribs your cummerbund has (my eyes aren't what they used to be) but there should be 5 (for some reason I can only count 4).


The arm armour should sit on the outside of the limb, rather than towards the back and try to keep the forearm parts out of the gloves. They'll always sneak in on a troop... but what can you do!


When you do the lid, pad the top, so it sits up a bit. That'll alleviate the 'no neck' syndrome.


You may want to consider changing the chest/back straps to something a bit wider. It should be closer to 45mm, rather than the 25mm that it looks like.



But coming along nicely.

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A tip on the pouches is to scale down the template. For example, I'm 5'6" and made my pouches to the measurements of 5" wide x 6" tall x 2" deep. The trick is to keep the proportions of the template. All in all, good job

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