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DLT 19 measurements


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Helllllo guys,after my first two events with my local garrison i noticed that i need a big weapon!Because big weapons are liked by folks ah aah.So i decided to scratchbuild a DLT 19,but before starting,need some planning:i'm pretty sure someone of you got one of this and if you could be so kind to write me a couple of measures i'll reellllly be happy.

The '' ? '' are the measure i need.The green '' ? '' means the barrel diameter but WITHOUT T-TRACS ON


thank you for coooperation

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It says 627 mm but i dont know if they consider the barrel from the tip or not,i'm not sure about how they measure the barrel...anyway with a bit of calculations i can take the measurements,this is just to be sure if they are correct.

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According to mine (a DLT-19):


24" for the longest barrel ?

2" for the smaller barrel ?

5.5" for the stock ?

Sorry if a seem a little confused but what do you mean for smaller barrel?The diameter without t-tracks?

Anyway the stock is ok and the longest barrel too (more or less)

Thanks a lot Jim

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Here's the WOF (best star wars blueprints I've found, especially for Fett) blueprints for the MG-42. It's a similar body, but different barrel. The debate about the scout sniper rifle is whether it's the DLT-19 with a scope or the DC-15x (sniper version of the clone troopers rifle) which is more like this one. The scale at the bottom should be enough for you to figure out the measurements.



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