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Hello everyone! So I haven't really posted on here very much at all, more been lurking, studying, and biding my time. My main goal and my holy grail of Star Wars costumes is and always has been a Scout Trooper outfit, and after a very, VERY long time, I am finally close to achieving this lifelong goal!


So after searching and reading the forums, and reading many post and looking at other people's builds and doing what I could, I am now left with more "troubleshooting" advice that I could use some help with. I know many of you have had to deal with random issues and mishaps with your armor, or even those," WTF is this piece for?" moments, and prolly needed help yourself. So, if anyone sees an issue I may put up, PLEASE let me know what you'd do in the situation, or if you have any ideas/suggestions to make this thing fully approvable by January!


First up, the helmet itself:






Honestly, I'm not sure what the maker of this helmet is. I'm pretty sure that it is an MLC fiberglass, but that's just by comparing what I've seen on here, so I don't really know. I know it needs the breather piece on the front, which I have, but the entire thing needs a repaint anyway. I plan on replacing the stickers on it, but my main issues are these:







As you can see, the bolts are still showing. Now, I am a complete imbecile when it comes to figuring out a "Plan B" when something is off, and I really do not have access to a whole lot of tools. I don't even have a Dremel, which I do plan on buying, but no idea how to even use it. So yeah, I need the Grey caps that cover the bolts themselves. Again, I've seen a couple guides on HOW to make them,but they're a bit beyond my skill level (or tool sets, honestly). So need suggestions/life hacks on what to do there.


The next bit is the back vent holes themselves:







Now this I do have a few ideas on what to do. The Back close up photo shows where the indentations need to be. Now, I plan on just taking a small hobby file a gently sanding into them, unless anyone else has a better idea, or can tell me not to do that because I'll screw it up. Also, how deep should they be?


The second pic is just a little further out, does everything look ok from there?





Next up is the chest piece:





Really, this part seems to be pretty good, but if you look close to where the top sternum part is, you'll see a tiny crack. UH-OH.


Here's a close up, with the flash making it a bit brighter so everyone can see better.





Now, I did hear from one of my Garrison mates that a good way to reinforce the crack is to take a small piece of plastic and glue it behind the crack, to prevent it from cracking further. Is there a good way/substance to use to actually fill IN the crack? Or should I just chalk it up to combat damage?


And I think the back tank is good to go, but again, you guys are the experts and might see something I missed.





And a full shot of the back piece:




Quick pic of the upper arm Greeblies, I think they look right, and I know the circled edges are supposed to face front when you wear them. Least that's what I read, I think on the CRL.





And a quick pic of the belt itself. Belt has the same problem as the chestpiece though, as it has a tiny crack near one of the boxes.







And the Thermal Det., which, minus a small paint touchup, I think looks dead on how it should:




So, even though I do have questions on my boots, here's the biggest thing that has been driving me nuts: When I bought the kit, I had a few extra bits that I have NO idea where they go. I obviously know where the nose breather part goes, but included are two resin looking knobs, as well as these two large black bolts. Also were these little black square things, which I showed both top and bottom of here.




That's all for now, like I said, I do still have some question about my boots, but for now, I think I've got enough questions to last a while!


Thanks for looking, and please know any and all suggestions/comments/general comments are greatly appreciated. :)


for the cracked chest piece, take a piece of white fabric and cover one side of it in e600 then put it on the inside of the cest.it wwill form to the shape of the chest and dry hard a a rock

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Guest hel0wrench

The elongated piece on the TD doesn't look right. I think it should be more boxy and not rounded. I'm not 100% but the elbow greebles are supposed to be grey? The helmet looks pretty on point except for the grooves where you've already pointed out the flaw. How thick is the material the helmet is made out of? I think your idea with a file should work, given there's enough thickness to not put holes in the helmet.


The black squares are a mystery to me. The black nuts should be for the hinge on the helmet. It appears it was put together with the steel nut and bolt and the flat white parts are just covers that could be glued on after painting.


Easiest way I've found to paint the snout piece is to prime the whole thing and paint it all black. After it's all dry tape off the circular part (vocoder?) and prime the rest again, using a grey primer.


The Bicep greeblies are fine, but you need to change the TD greeblie to the correct one.




As for the cracks, you could give it a bit of ABS paste on the inside of the crack, to help "melt" it back together, before covering it with a plastic/fabric reinforcement.

Also, many Clone builders are known to reinforce their armour in wulnerable spots, with strips of fiber glass "tape"


the helmet isn't an MLC, as on the MLC face and visor shield are cast as a single piece.


for the indentations, I would be very careful, as hel0wrench suggested, be aware of how thick the fibreglass of the helmet is.

i added one indentation to my MLC helmet by marking out in pencil, then using the sanding drum on my dremel and finishing off with sandpaper.



Thanks for all the help everyone! The fiberglass is pretty thick thankfully, as I've already filed it some on the helmet.


Anyone know a good place for me to get the correct greeblies? Shoot me a PM if you know someone that makes them! XD


And as for the face and visor shield, they actually are one piece, which originally threw me off.


I'll post some updated pics here in the next few days, Been working on the boots as well, got them Riveted on finally.


You can get them from DonJarr on eBay.


But I am sure there are some guys your side of the pond that make them also.

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